“Nah, it’s his sonTraviswho’s in charge now.”

Jacksonnarrows his eyes. “Yeah,IrememberTravis.Canyou let him know that buddy here has to call his trip short?He’sgot a family emergency and needs to head home tomorrow.He’son the first flight out.”

“Yougot it,Jackson.”

“Thanks, man.Iappreciate it.”

“Whatthe fuck?Idon’t have a flight tomorrow,” the asshole says, turning fromJacksonto the bouncer and back again.

“Well, you better hope you can find one because you don’t have a bed to sleep in tomorrow night.Notin this province, at least.”Jacksonhands the man his wallet, and then shoves him towards the door.

WhenDennisrears up like he’s going to fightJackson,Jacksonand his ring of brothers and cousin all take a step forward.Atexactly the same time.Likeit’s synchronized.Likethey practiced this.

It’ssuper hot.

AlltheWatersboys stand there watching assholeDennisuntil he steps right out the front door.ThenJacksonturns and when his eyes find me,Iwant to cry.

Herushes forward and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Whatthe hell,Selena?What’swrong?WasItoo late?Didthat piece of shit hurt you?”

Ishake my head. “I’mfine.Everything’sfine.Itwas just… and then you just… and then it was over…Idon’t know whyI’mcrying.I’mfine.”

Swipingunder my eyes,Inod.Whatthe hell, eyes?Iwas being a bad bitch, and nowI’ma sobbing mess.

“Iwanted to fucking kill that guy for touching you.Ifhe hurt you…”


“Letme see your arm,”Jacksondemands, holding out his hands. “Shit.It’stoo dark to see anything.Ineed to get you out of here.Weneed to go to the hospital.”

Ishake my head. “No,I’mfine,Ipromise.Ihad so much fun tonight, andIdon’t want it to end like that.”

Jacksonfrowns at me, but he nods.

Hefollows me back to the bar whereIorder a half dozen waters, and then he helps me deliver them back to the sofa area.

Assoon as we get back,Lilythrows her arms around me. “Ohmy god, are you okay?Thatwassodramatic.Iswear to you, nothing ever happens at this bar.Well, other than hookups and the usual local drama.Butit’s like the safest place in the country.Iwouldn’t have brought you here ifI’dthought it was dangerous,Ipromise.”

“Iknow.Iknow.Don’tworry.It’snot your fault.Butunfortunately, assholes are everywhere.”

“Andso are good guys, likeJacks.”Lilygrins up at him, where he’s standing next to me like a sentry.

Andthat’s just pissing me right off.I’vegone from happy to scared to angry, all in the span of five minutes.I’lltake angry over scared any day of the week.

AndI’mgoing to giveJacksonWatersa piece of my mind.

“I’mleaving now,”Iannounce, standing up and patting my purse to make sureIstill have it.

“Well, you’re sure as hell not driving yourself, and you’re not leaving with anyone else, soIguess that meanswe’releaving now.Ladies.”Jacksonnods his head to the rest of the women. “Lil,Gunnar’staking you home.Noarguments.”

Lilyrolls her eyes, but then she gives him a big smile.

MaybeJacksonis a great guy with a great woman as his best friend.BecauseLilywouldn’t be best friends with an asshole.But, right now,Idon’t care.Becausemy fake boyfriend is going to getseveralpieces of my mind.

Turningin my little heeled booties in whatIhope looks like a very dramatic fashion,Imarch out of the bar.

* * *

CelebritEYES:SPOTTED:Ourfavorite action star is a dang hero!JacksonWatersjumps in to save his #elevatorgirl from psycho at bar.Doubleswoon…