AndthenIsee why the man let me go.

He’sa couple of feet away from me now.AndJacksonhas his hands wrapped around the guy’s wrist—the one that grabbed me—twisting it behind his back.Itlooks painful, the wayJacksonholds his wrist up so high like that.

Wherethe hell didJacksoncome from?I’vebeen looking for him for the past forty-five minutes, andIhaven’t been able to find him.Andthen he just swoops in right whenIneed him.Thatpisses me right off.He’sthe one who ditched me.Hedoesn’t just get to come in here and rescue me like a damsel in distress.Imayhave been in distress.ButIwas handling it!Iwas going to rescue my own damn self.Probably.

“Whatthe fuck do you think you were doing?Don’tyou ever fucking touch a woman like that!”Jacksonspins the man around, still pinning his arm, and shouts right in his face.

Jackson’svoice is deep.Angry.Loud.I’venever heard anything like this voice before.Jacksonis always kind of quiet.Gruffand quiet.Henever yells.

“Doyou hear me?Ishould fucking kill you for touching her!”He’sright up in the guy’s face.

Jacksonis several inches taller, and at least half a foot wider.Ican’t tear my eyes off of him.ButIcan see more men come forward and form a loose circle around him and the asshole.Atfirst,I’mafraid forJackson, but thenIrealize that it’s his brothers andGunnar.

“Jacks.”Gunnar’svoice is low and steady.

Jacksonlooks back at his friend for a long minute, then he scans the crowd of people.Peoplewho already have their phones out, camera flashes on.

Ihaven’t seen anyone try to take pictures ofJacksonsince we’ve been here.Maybethings are different outside ofWesternSprings?Ormaybe the chance to get a video ofJacksonWatersin a bar fight is just too good to pass up, no matter where you are?

Afterwhat feels like an eternity,Jacksonturns back to the piece of shit misogynist who grabbed me.

“It’stime for you to go.”


Jacksonnods his head. “You’renot from around here, are you?”

“No.I’mhere for a corporate retreat.

“Whereaboutsare you staying?”

“AttheMaconRanch.Why?CanIget a selfie with you?”

Ican practically hear the grinding ofJackson’steeth from six feet away over the pounding country music.

“Sure.Handmy cousinGunnaryour phone.”

Theman reaches into his pocket and retrieves his phone, passing it toGunnar.

“Takea good one,Gunnar.”Jacksonsays quietly as he turns to stand next to the guy instead of facing him.

“Yougot it, cuz,”Gunnaranswers, sounding even more country than normal.

Whatthe hell is going on here?Jacksonis taking a selfie with the creep who just grabbed me?

Thecamera flash goes off a few times, and thenGunnarstares at the screen, maybe zooming in on the picture because he’s tapping at something.

“Thereyou go.”Aftera minute,Gunnarhands the phone back to the asshole who grabbed me.Hecould have at least stomped on it and cracked the screen.That’swhatIwould have done.

Jacksonbends down and picks something up off the floor. “Ithink you dropped your wallet, man.”

“What?Ididn’t even… thanks.”Theman looks about as confused asIfeel.Asshole.

Jacksonlooks through the wallet and then pulls something out.

“DennisJenkins, 6743HighgroveCrescent,Minneapolis,Minnesota.Iwould say that it’s nice to meet you,Dennis.Butsince you’re a piece of shit who grabs women, unfortunatelyIcan’t stay that to you.Andin case you’re planning on doing anything stupid tonight, we have your photo, phone number, and your address.So, that’s going to make it real easy for the police to find you, got it?”Jacksonflips through the rest of the wallet and pulls out a thick stack of bills.Hecounts them, and then puts his hand up, signaling to someone.Whatthe hell is going on here?

“HeyTony, this is for you.”Jacksonhands the stack of bills to the bouncer. “Canyou please make sure thatDennisJenkinsof 6743HighgroveCrescent,Minneapolis,Minnesota, gets delivered back to theMaconRanch.IsCarlstill running the place?”