“Ithought you were on my side?”Imutter under my breath toGunnar.

“Iam.”Hegrins back at me.

“So, when are you two going to move in together?Shouldwe go wedding dress shopping while you’re here?Thereis the cutest little shop downtown.Jacksalways wanted to get married at the farm.”

Selenacoughs again in the backseat.

“Leaveher alone, please.Wehaven’t been dating that long.”

“Butwhen you know, you know, right?”

“Doyou,Lil?Doyouknowwhen youknow?”Idemand, staring at her reflected in the side mirror through our open windows.Lily’sbeen in love withGunnarsince almost as long asI’veknown her.Whichis since she was five and sawGunnarat school on the first day of kindergarten when his family moved back to town.Butshe’s never done a damn thing about it, so she really has no excuse to come after me for anything.

“Yes!”Lilysays stubbornly. “Whenyou know,you know.”

“Changethe topic, please,”Iorder.

“So, back to your sex life then,”Lilysays with a grin. “You’vegiven us an overview, but let’s get…granular.”

“Lordhelp me.”

Selena’slaughter fills the truck.

* * *

CelebritEYESSPOTTED:OurfavoriteCanuckheads up north.JacksonWatersspotted back home on the range.Who’sready to save a few horses?



BeinginWesternSpringsis like taking aPh.D. inJacksonWaters.Thisplace gives him the country that’s worn off a bit from his years inL.A.Thisplace is the reason for the way he speaks, not with a twang in his voice, but slowly like a country boy.IfGunnarandJackson’sbrothers are any indication, it’s the reason he always holds doors open for me and offers me his hand every timeIhave to step up, down, or over any kind of impediment, no matter how big or how small.

Thistown is as charming asJackson, too.It’sexactly whatIpicture whenIthink about thecountry.Countryroads head off for miles over flat ground.Fieldsare full of potatoes, corn, hay, and anything else you can grow with a little dirt, a lot of rain, and some sunshine.Barnsare in every color.Red, blue, green.

Bluesky stretches overhead as far as the eye can see, with snow-capped mountains off in the distance.Idon’t thinkI’veseen a fence that isn’t picket or the kind that looks like a horse paddock—whatever that’s called—sinceI’vebeen here.Atleast nine out of every ten carsIsee are pickup trucks.Inever really saw myself as a country girl.Ofcourse,IloveKaceyMusgravesandKelseaBallerini, but that’s the extent of my country music knowledge.

There’ssomething about this town that has me wanting to put on a pair of cowboy boots and do a two-step, whatever that is.Imake a mental note to look up a tutorial online whenIhave a chance.Ishould be ready in case any country dancing is required whileI’mhere.Iwant to be the perfect girlfriend.Perfectfakegirlfriend, that is.Although, as tense asJacksonis,I’mnot sure he’s going to be in a dancing mood any time soon.Ormaybe ever.

Hegripped my hand so tightly it hurt when he first saw his dad lying in a hospital bed, covers tucked up under his arms, and wearing a faded blue hospital gown.Jackson’sdad looked pretty beat up, but the doctor assured all of us he was going to be fine.Oneof his broken ribs made a small puncture in his lung.Hehad surgery to repair it before we landed.Theribs and arm will heal in time, and the concussion just needs to be monitored.Itwasn’t his heart.Theythink it was low blood pressure or low blood sugar and are running more tests to figure it out.

Whenhis dad woke up and sawJacksonthere, a tear rolled down his cheek.Heslept most of the day, but his breathing was even and steady.Andwhen he was awake, he was bright and alert.Hemust be in pain, but he was talking and grousing about how everyone was making a big fuss over nothing.HeinsistedIcall himJerryand notMr.Waters.Andhe was well enough to flirt with two of the nurses to get extra chocolate pudding with his dinner.Ialso noticed that he’s still wearing his wedding ring, even thoughJackson’smom passed several years ago.

MeetingJackson’sbrothers was a blur of tall men with broad shoulders, who all looked enough likeJacksonto be his stunt doubles or stand-ins.Jacksonintroduced me to all of them, butIknow thatI’mnot going to know which one isJasperand which one isJarrettomorrow.Itdoesn’t help that their names all start withJlike they’re theKardashiansor something.Ishould have taken a picture of all of them to study from tonight.

Thenthere were the aunts, uncles, and cousins.Toomany to count or keep track of.Anddefinitely too many to remember their names.Gunnaris the only cousin whose nameIofficially know at this point.

I’mnot sure what was weirder.Beingintroduced repeatedly to my fake boyfriend’s family and friends.OrhearingJacksonWatersintroduce his girlfriend… and know that he meantme.

Thewhole day was a whirlwind of voices and hugs and smiles and tears.Inever took my eyes off ofJacksonall day, and he never took his eyes off of his dad.Andas much asItried to be present for it,Ispent every quiet momentIhad thinking aboutJackson.Andwondering whatLilyandGunnarmeant aboutJacksonnot bringing another woman home to the farm before.Wasthat because he never had a fake girlfriend before?Afake girlfriend who would be safe to bring home because she wouldn’t expect anything.I’mnotsupposedto expect anything.

Thehospital forced all of us to leave when visiting hours ended at eight o’clock, and not evenJackson’sstar power could get them to bend the rules.

“He’sgoing to be okay,”Iwhisper in the dark truck cab as we drive home to theWaters’ farm.Gunnarended up taking our stuff out to the farm, picking up an old truck for us to use, and dropping it off at the hospital when visiting hours were over, along withOats.Oatsapparently spent the day living his best life with hisAuntieLily, who must have got my number fromJacksonbecause she sent me the pictures to prove it.

I’mglad he’s here now, becauseIcould really use someone to snuggle tonight.Jacksonhas barely said ten words to me since leaving the hospital.

“That’swhat everyone keeps saying.”Hesounds tired, and a little angry.