WhenIopen the other rear door for myself,Lilyslides past me into the back of the dirt-covered maroon truck beforeIcan get in. “I’llsit in the back withSelena.So, we can girl talk.Youcan sit up front withGunnar.”

Iwas planning on sitting in the back withSelena, hoping maybeIcould hold her hand again.Westill have to keep up appearances here, even if there’s no press.There’smy family, and it’s a small town.EveryoneinWesternSpringsknows whoIam.

“Iknow whenI’mnot wanted,”Isay under my breath, loud enough forLilyto hear me asIclimb into the front passenger seat.Oatsjumps in after me, andImotion for him to sit on the floor at my feet, but he dives over me and into the back seat to curl up next toSelena.Herests his head onSelena’slap and happily wags his tail ontoLily’slap.I’vethought about resting my head on her lap just like that on more than one occasion.Shegrins down at him and brushes the hair back from his eyes.Iwonder what she’d do ifItried it?

Gunnarpulls the old pickup off of the dirt road leading from the landing strip and out onto the two-lane section of the highway leading back into town.Windowsdown and country music pumping is the only way to drive down country roads.Thesmell of hay and sunshine and dirt fills my nose.I’vetraveled around the world, and no place else smells like this town.Thistown smells like home.

“Someonelikes you,”Lilyannounces, andIturn in a rush to see who exactly she’s talking about.

“I’mobsessed with him, too.I’vealways wanted a dog.ButI’mallergic to most dogs.AndI’vealways rented inL.A., soIcan’t have one of my own.”

“You’restill renting your own place?”Lilyasks.

“Wehaven’t moved in together… yet,”Imutter from the front seat.

“Noone’s talking to you,Jacks,”Lilycalls out in a singsong voice. “So, how’s the sex?”

Selenacoughs. “Excuseme?”

Lilyisn’t deflected one bit. “How’sthe sex?ThisisAmerica’ssexiest man alive.”

“Lily,Ican hear you,”Icaution her, knowing it won’t even matter. “Andit’s two-timeAmerica’ssexiest man alive, to you.”

Gunnarlets out a guffaw, soIpunch him in the stomach.

“Careful!Don’thit the driver!” he warns.

“Noone’s talking to you,Jacks,”Lilysays happily. “I’msureSelenacan tell me if she doesn’t want to answer.She’sa grown woman.Shecan speak for herself.”

Glancingover my shoulder to check on her,IseeSelenablushing.Shelooks as uncomfortable asIfeel. “Shedoesn’t want to answer.”

“No, no.Ido.It’sfine,”Selenasays. “Thesex is…epic.Imean, you look at him, and you think, yeah, he’s hot.Buthot guys aren’t exactly known fortryingvery hard.It’snot even their fault, they’ve just never had to.So, you don’t know if a hot guy’s just going to lie there and make you do all the work.”

“ButJacksdoesn’t just lie there, huh?”Lily’sfascinated.Sheleans sideways in the bench seat, her head as she can get it toSelena’s.

AsIwatch them in the rearview mirror,Lilystares atSelenalike she’s studying something under a microscope, leaning closer and closer.ButSelenadoesn’t look uncomfortable anymore.I’mthe only person who’s uncomfortable in this damn truck.

“Nope.Letme tell you…Jacksonputs inthe work.Therereally aren’t any words.ButI’lltry.Epic.Hot.Insane.Theorgasms are endless.He’sthe bestI’veever had.The.Best.”Selenashakes her head like she can’t believe her good luck.

Shecan’t believe it?Ican’t fucking believe it.Thisis the woman who told me she couldn’t be a spy because she wasn’t good at lying and couldn’t lead a double life.Andhere she is telling my friends all about the best sex of her lifethat we’ve never even hadwithout missing a beat.Andshe’s pretty damn convincing.

I’mapparently the fucking best thing she’s never even had.

Gunnarslaps me on the back of the shoulder. “That’smy boy!Iknew all that movie star shit would never go to your head.Notto the one that matters, anyway.”

Doeshe thinkIlet all the movie star shit go to my head?I’mgoing to need to ask him about that later.Butright now my head is spinning between the conversation in the backseat about my imaginary sex life and the scene at the hospital thatI’mabout to walk into.AndthatI’mabout to walkSelenainto with me.

“Lil, are you good to keepOatsfor a few hours?We’llhead to the hospital and see what we can do.Thenwe’ll swing by and pick upOatsand our stuff and head back to the farm.”

“Sure.You’restaying at the farm?”Lilyasks curiously.

“Thatwas the plan.Why?”

“Noreason,”Lilyreplies too quickly. “Gunnar, hasJacksever brought anyone else to stay at the farm?”

“Thatwould be a no,Lily.”Gunnarearns himself another punch in the gut with that unnecessary comment.Lily’sbad enough.Idon’t needGunnarhelping her.

FeelingSelena’seyes on me,Ican’t face her.IfIdid, my face would tell her exactly whatI’mthinking.AndIknow she’s not interested in any part of whatI’mthinking, despite what she just told my friends about our imaginary sex life.