

Selenaasked questions about my family and about growing up inWesternSpringsfor the first hour or so of the flight and just listened to me talk.Thenshe curled up on the sofa withOatssleeping adoringly on her feet across from me.Itwasnicetalking about my family with her.That’snot usually the wordIwould use whenIthink about my family.Usually,Ijust feel guilty for all the waysI’vecome up short over the years when it comes to them.

Thenshe fell asleep, curled up withOatsuntil we started circling to land.Shelet out little whimpers and cute little snores, giving me all kinds of ideas.

Afterwaking her up, we both use the bathroom and freshen up after the three-hour flight before we touch ground inWesternSprings.Selenachanges out of her leggings and t-shirt into a cute little sundress and jean jacket.Afterthanking my pilot for the quick response time and safe flight,Itell him to head toVancouveruntilIneed him again.

“Woo-hoo, here comesHollywood!”Avoice shouts out from just off the runway.WesternSpringsdoesn’t have a real commercial airport.Butthere’s a little recreational airport outside of town where a few local pilots from the surrounding communities keep their planes.Andthe runway isjustlong enough for the jet.Orat least, my pilot is good enough to make it work.I’venever asked, andIfigureI’mprobably happier not knowing how the sausage is made on this topic.

Theentire operation consists of the single runway, two hangars for repairs and maintenance, and a one-room terminal with a single stall bathroom and water that isn’t potable.

Morewhoops and shouts come from the edge of the runway asSelenaandImake our way down the plane steps.Oatstakes off past us, running at full tilt across the dirt runway to meet my friends.

TakingSelena’shand,Isqueeze it a little too tightly. “Sorryabout them in advance.Justsorry.”

Selenagrins up at me. “Whoare they?”

“Itold you aboutLily.Andthat’s my other friend,Gunnar.He’salso my cousin.It’sa small town,”Itell her, like that should mean something.Butit probably only means something to people who grew up in towns this small.WesternSpringshas a grand total of twelve-hundred people calling it home. “You’llmeet the rest of my family later.Ididn’t want anyone to leave the hospital to come and get me.”

Shesqueezes my hand back and smiles at me. “It’sall going to be okay.We’vegot this.”

Lilyruns the last few steps and throws herself into my arms.Lettinggo ofSelena’shand,Iwrap my best friend up in a giant bear hug, swinging her around in a big circle, before putting her down.Shereaches up and messes with my hair like she did every single day of high school.Ifrown and shrug her off likeIdid every time back then.

WhenIlook at her,Ijust seeLily.Idon’t know why, butInever saw her as a girl.Shewas always justLily.Probablybecause we’ve pretty much known each other since we were born.Butshe’s cute and blonde.Alittle taller thanSelenaand just as curvy.

Gunnarlooks like he could be another one of my brothers.Darkhair, blue eyes.He’swearing the same thing as every other man in this town.Cowboyboots or work boots scuffed up from being worn for work, not for show.Wornjeans, a t-shirt, and a plaid shirt over it.Acowboy hat or a baseball cap.Gunnar’swearing a cowboy hat today, pulling out all the country-boy charm.

WhenIputLilydown,IshakeGunnar’shand and bring him in for a half hug.

“It’sbeen too damn long,Jacks.Wishyou were here under better circumstances.Butit’s good to have you home.”

Inod, feeling like a total failure.EveryoneIlove is here inWesternSprings, so why the hell doIlive all the way inL.A.?Ilive there for work.Ihave to.Atleast, that’s whatItell myself.

“Lily,Gunnar.Thisis my girlfriend,Selena.”Iwrap my arm aroundSelenaand squeeze her to my side. “Selenathis isGunnarandLily.”

Selenawaves at them. “It’sso nice to meet you.Jacksonhas told me so much about you!”

Lilynarrows her eyes. “Hashe really?YouknowInever believe whatIread aboutJacks.Untilhe said you were dating onTV.AndthenIonly half believed it.Ican’t believeI’mfinally meeting you in person.”

“Ikind of can’t believe you’reJackson’sbest friend.Ilike you already.”

“Good.BecauseIalready like you, too.”

“Simmerdown.Youtwo just met.Youdon’t even know each other.”

“Oh,Ithink we do,Nugget,”Selenasays, beaming up at me.

Lilynods, her smile looking a little less innocent. “Nugget?Shecalls youNugget?”

“Weshould get going.Weneed to get to the hospital.”Noddingat where my pilot put our suitcases,Imotion forGunnarto help me with them.Icould move them all myself, butI’dhave to letSelenago, andIdon’t want to. “Yougoing to make yourself useful and help with these bags?”

“Allowme.Cityboy doesn’t know how to do a hard day’s work anymore.”Insteadof helping me with the luggage,Gunnarjust takes all the bags in a single trip and tosses them in the back of his old pickup truck.

Followingbehind,IwalkSelenato the rear door of the truck and hold out my hand to her to help her in.It’sa big step for her, since she’s so short, and she presses into me for support.Ipress my other hand against her lower back to steady her.

“Thanks,” she whispers, beforeIshut the door firmly between us.Myhands clench into fists automatically, every part of me wishingIwas still holding onto her.