“We’rejust this way.”Sheseems nervous. “So, this is it.Wedo all of our baking and boxing up here.Andthen everything gets delivered out to our wholesale clients or custom orders.”

“Thisis amazing, baby.”Callingher baby is feeling very comfortable.Maybea little too comfortable.

“Hey,Liam.Ididn’t think you’d still be here.”

“Hey, boss.Justdouble-checking the delivery orders for tomorrow and making sure that we have everything we need for next week on our dry goods order.”

“WhatwouldIdo without you?”Shegrins at the man.He’stall, built of lean muscle, and has a great smile.Idon’t like him already.

Hiseyes narrow when he sees me. “Andare you going to introduce me to your new boyfriend,JacksonWaters?”

Selenascrunches up her face and shakes her head. “Soundslike you don’t need me to introduce you.”

“Hey,I’mJackson,”Iinterrupt, pushing my hand out towards the guy. “It’snice to meet you.”

Tobe determined.Heseems pretty damn friendly withSelena.

Theman breaks out into a huge smile. “Ohmy god,JacksonfreakingWaterssaid it was nice to meet me!I’mLiam.I’mSelena’swork bestie.”

Ahhh,I’mpretty sureLiamis gay, soIlike him already. “Niceto meet any friend ofSelena’s.”

“Ijust knew there was something going on after she got stuck in that elevator with you.Shewas all cagey and wouldn’t talk about it.Selena!Howcould you keep this from me?AndhereIwas thinking how boring you were for never going on any dates, and you were secretly banging a movie star!Ilove this for you!”

“Youand me both,”Imutter under my breath.

“I’mnot loving any of this.”Selenawaves her hands at us. “Thisis whyInever introduce you to anyone,Liam!”

Heshrugs, obviously not caring.

“So,JacksonWaters, when did you first know that our littleSelenawas the one for you?”

Mylips twitch.

“Youdo not have to answer that!”Shesteps in front of me, holding her hands up to fend offLiam’squestion. “He’snot answering that!”

Pressingmy hands on her shoulders,Ilook atLiamover her head. “Idon’t mind.Ithink it was how she was in the elevator.”

“Theonly woman available?”Selenawhispers.

Squeezingher shoulders,Ilean closer to her ear. “No.”ThenIturn back toLiam. “Shewas calm under pressure.Andfun.Shemade me laugh.Andshe’s pretty easy to look at, too.Ihad a lot of time to just stare at her in there.”

“Idon’t thinkIremember you laughing a single time in the elevator,” she grumbles.

“Iwas laughing on the inside.”

“Icould hear more about this relationship all day.Shouldwe all go get drinks, or?”Liamsteps forward, his hands in the air and an enormous smile on his face.

“No.We’renot doing that.Jacksonhas to get home.Hehas… a meeting.”

“Hehas a meeting after seven on aFridaynight?”

Ican feelSelenarolling her eyes, even ifIcan’t see it. “Hollywoodpeople, right?Anyway, we have to head out of here.Ijust wanted to showJacksonthis place now that everything is, you know, out in the open.”

“Youbet it is.Myfeed is full of #Jelenaand #Sackson.Idon’t think the internet has decided yet.I’mteam #Jelena.”

“Obviously.Jelenais clearly the way to go.Soundsway better,”Iagree.

“Anyway, it was so great seeing you,Liam, my self-proclaimed work bestie.Thanksfor double-checking everything.Butyou can go now.We’llclose up.”