“Okay.You’reright.It’sjust that you’reyou, andI’mme.”Ican’t bear to look at his handsome face anymore, soIturn and look out the window.

“Sincewhen do you care whoIam?Youdidn’t give a shit about whoIwas in the elevator.Orwhen you were a teenager apparently, either.”

“Theelevator was an extreme circumstance.Weweren’t ourselves.”

“Ihave to disagree with you on that one.Ithink we were exactly who we are in that elevator.Whatwas the point of pretending after you took a pee in front of me and we thought we could die?”

“Pleasedo not refer to the-incident-that-shall-not-be-named!”

Jacksongrins and then shakes his head like he’s confused. “Whatincident?”

“Theincident-that-shall-not-be-named.Theincident-that-shall-never-be-spoken-of.Thething-that-happened-in-the-elevator.Youknow exactly whatI’mtalking about.”

“Right.Thetime when you took a pee in my water bottle?”

“Theincident-that-shall-not-be-named!”I’mpractically shouting at him now.Somuch for being the perfect, fake girlfriend.Thisfake relationship is already off to agreatstart.Howmany times doIhave to tell him not to talk about it?Ireally might have to murder this man in his sleep.

“Whyare women so weird about bodily functions?I’lltell you this as many times as it takes.It’sjust not that big of a deal.Everybodypees,Selena.”

“Womenare weird about bodily functions?Oh, please!Menare total babies.Doyou want to talk about my period,Jackson?Howabout poop?Everybodypoops!Orheaven forbid, a woman actually passes gas in front of you.Menact like it’s a federal crime instead of a perfectly normal bodily function that they are always happy to do sitting right next to you.Butmen expect women to go outside and three doors down.”

“Layit on me.Youwant to talk about your period, let’s talk about your period.Imay not have sisters, but my best friend,Lily, has been keeping me updated about her cycle since we were thirteen.Whetheror notIwanted to know.Ishould probably know the ins and outs of your schedule… since we’re dating… andI’msupposed to know you…intimately. ”

Mylips twitch. “Seriously?Sinceyou were thirteen?”

“Lily’swhat most people would call an over-sharer.”

“CanImeet her?”

“Probablynot.Lilystill lives back home inWesternSprings.Idon’t get back home too often these days.”Jacksonlooks almost sad, staring out the windshield for a second.Thenhe puts a smile on his face and turns back to me. “So, where are we in your cycle?SoIknow when to have the freezer stocked with vegan gelato and the pantry stocked with chips and chocolate?”

“WhywouldIgive you that kind of head start?You’regoing to have to figure it out and be ready for a rollercoaster of emotions at all times.”Igrin at him, hoping it comes off menacing.

“HowamIgoing to know, since we’re not… sinceIagreed not to…”

“Thereare other ways to know when a woman has her period other than by not having sex because she’s on her period.”

“Whywouldn’t we be having sex when you’re on your period?”

Helooks adorably confused.

“Mostmen don’t want to…”

“Baby, you’re dating the wrong men.Areal man gives his woman what she needs when she needs it.”

“Really?Interesting.BecauseIactually get very,you know, whenIhave my period.Andeverybody knows orgasms are the best cure for cramps.That’sjust science.”

“Whenexactly is all thissciencegoing to be taking place?”

“Again, that’s for me to know and you to find out…”

“Anemotional minefield?Fan-fucking-tastic.”



Selena’sbakery is a massive warehouse with a bunch of different businesses all taking up their own sections of the space.Herspot is a corner, which seems like a pretty good place to be.It’snot fancy.It’sjust a lot of stainless steel counters and appliances.Butit’s spotless.