“Sorry,I’mtotally on your side.Probably.Onceyou tell me exactly whatJacksdid wrong?”

“Ijust told you!Jacksonbought the bakery.OnGroveStreet.”

“I’mstill not getting it.”

“Hedidn’t even ask me!Hejust bought it for me without even talking to me.”

“Imean,I’mobviously completely on your side.Probably.Butisn’t that kind of nice of him?”

“Exactly,”Imutter, grabbing another beer from the fridge.Afteropening it,Itake a long drink.

IcatchSelenawatching me whileIdo, her eyes staring at my neck asIswallow.Atleast even when she’s pissed at me, she still wants me.Jonaswas right about the make-up sex.Ihate it whenSelenaandIfight, but the make-up sex almost makes it worth it.

“It’snot nice.It’soverbearing.Andrude.”

“Jacks, can you just apologize for being overbearing and rude, so the rest of us don’t have to suffer anymore?”Jamesonsays from behind me.

Selenacrosses her oven mitts under her breasts, pushing them up even higher, staring at me like she’s waiting for an apology.

So,IguessIbetter give her one.

“Baby,I’msorry you’re upset.ButI’mnot sorry for buying the bakery.Ilove you, and if there’s something you want,I’mgoing to figure out a way to get it for you.”

Shenarrows her beautiful hazel eyes at me, and her crossed arms push her tits up a little more. “WhatifIwant a horse?”

“We’llgo look first thing tomorrow morning.Butyou’re not putting a foot in those stirrups by yourself until you take some lessons.”

“Thisis exactly whatI’mtalking about!Idon’t need a horse!JustbecauseIcasually mention something does not meanI’masking you to go out and buy it for me.”

“Youwanted the bakery.Igot it for you.Idon’t see what the big fucking deal is.”

“Ihave a business plan.Iwas going to save up for it and then buy it with profits from theL.A. location.”

“Thiswas faster.Andwhat if someone had bought it in the meantime?”

“It’sbeen for sale for the last four years, and no one bought it,”Jamesonmutters.

“Notfucking helpful, bro.”

Theback door opens andGunnarpeeks his head in. “Thereyou are,Lil.Ineed you to come settle a bet withJasper.”

Lilysmiles sweetly at him. “Beright there.”

Thenshe turns back toSelenaand me. “Selly,Ilove you.Butyou’re being crazy as fuck.Jacks, tell her you love her and make out with her so the rest of us don’t have to witness this nonsense.Andyou’re welcome to buymeany bakeries, tropical islands, or small countries whenever you want!”Lilyheads out the back door, with a wave at us.

“I’mjust going to leave this here,”Jamesonmutters, finally putting down the tree he’s been carrying.Thenhe followsLilyout onto the back porch.

“Thanksfor the fiddle leaf fig,Lily!”Selenacalls after them. “See?Ifyou need to buy ridiculously large gifts, you can buy them forLily.”

“I’mnever going to stop taking care of you, baby.Ifsomething’s going to make you happy,I’malways going to find a way to make it happen for you.Andit’sourmoney, so technicallywebought the bakery for you.”

“Ugh!Whydo you have to be so sweet all the time?Itmakes it really hard to stay pissed at you.Iwas going to be all spicy tonight.Tortureyou until you beg for my forgiveness,”Selenawhispers, breathless.

“Yeah, we’re definitely still doing that.I’llprobably give you another reason to be pissed at me before then.Ilove you, baby.”

“Ilove you too,Nugget.Ilove you more thanIever thoughtIcould love someone as hard to look at as you are.”

“I’mgrateful you can look past how uglyIam, baby.Becauseyou’re so fucking beautiful.Losethe oven mitts unless you’re going to jerk me off with them.Iwant your hands on me whenIkiss you.”