“You’rebeing an idiot.Ican carry a damn plant.”

“That’snot a plant, it’s a fucking tree.Whyare you bringing a tree here?It’stoo big.Andit’s definitely too big for you to carry,”Ishout over to them. “Handit over to him,Lil.”

“Enough,Lily.You’rethe one who’s being ridiculous.”Jamesonsteps directly in front ofLilyand pries the plant pot out of her hands.

“Asshole,” she mutters.

“Theplant.What’sit for?”Ishout again.

“It’sa housewarming gift.Sortof.Selenawanted it.Andsince you’re living here part time now,Ifigured you deserved a housewarming gift.”

“Howmuch do you sell one of these things for?It’sbig.”

“Two-fifty for city people.One-fifty for locals.Freefor besties,”Lilysays with a huge smile.

Shewalks over to me and pinches my arm. “Don’tlet this go to your head, butIkind of like being able to show up at the farm and see you here all the time.”

“Iknow you’re going to let this go to your head.Butme, too.”

“What’sfor dinner?”

“Noidea.Selenakicked everyone out of the kitchen.”

Lilyrolls her eyes at me. “Whatdid you do?”

“Whydoes everyone keep asking me that?Ididn’tdoanything.Whydoes everyone just assume it’s my fault?”

“Becauseyou definitely did something,”Jamesongrins at me. “Andif you really don’t know what you did, she just hasn’t told you what it is.Yet.Wheredo you want me to put this?OrshouldIjust askSelena?”

WhenIroll my eyes at him, he nods. “Yeah, that’s whatIthought.I’mbraving the kitchen to see where she wants this.Yougoing to come and protect me,Lily?”

“I’mcoming.ButI’mdefinitely not protecting you fromSelenaor anyone else.”

“Fuckit,I’mcoming, too,”Imutter, asIfollow them towards the kitchen.

“IthoughtItold everyone to stay out of the kitchen,”Selenashouts, spinning around from where she’s closing a hot oven door, hands covered in crazy oven mitts she made me buy her that look like lobster claws.She’sfucking pinching and snapping them at me like lobster claws, too.

She’swearing an old apron of my mom’s over her dress.Herface is all flushed, and she looks so fucking pretty.IfIdidn’t think she’d be even more pissed at me for ruining dinner,I’dbe dragging her upstairs to shove my face between her legs right now.

“Lily!Finally!Ohmy god, the testosterone was drowning me.I’mso glad you’re here!Doyou want to know what your best friend did?”

“Youstill going to insist you didn’t do anything?”Lilypunches me in the arm.

Selenarolls her eyes, then turns to me. “YoutoldLilyyou didn’t do anything,Nugget?”

Myeyes drop to her big, perfect tits.It’sa hell of a lot better than staring at the ceiling whenIcan’t meet her eyes.

“Hebought me the bakery in town.Withouteven asking me.Again.”

“Wait, isn’t that a good thing?Ithought you wanted to open up a secondLadycakeslocation here in town?”Lilyasks, looking fromSelenato me and back.

“Idid!”Selenanearly shouts.

“So, what’s the problem then?”Mylittle brother is a brave man.Adumb, brave man.

Lilynods. “Yeah,Idon’t get it.”

“Lily!You’resupposed to be on my side.”