Pullingher roughly against me,Ipress my hard cock into her stomach, only the denim of my jeans and the fuzzy fabric of her robe separating our skin. “Baby, all you ever have to do is ask.”


One month later…


Itfeels so damn good being back home on the farm.Selena’sholed up in the kitchen makingSundaydinner.Mybrothers are all slowly trickling out to the farm.Mydad’s sitting in his armchair, that he now insists on putting outside any night the weather cooperates.Thebales of haySelenaandLilyset up around the fire pit live there now.Andthey get used.Alot.

Thefarm feels alive again, like it did when my mom was still here.ThereareSundaydinners, barbeques, family parties.Itseems like we’re always celebrating something or other, probably becauseSelenabought every one of us all dumb holiday calendars that tell us it’s national doughnut day and national beer day.Andshe makes us celebrate almost all of them.Shethrows a family dinner together like it’s nothing.

Itfeels likeInever left.ButIappreciate being here in a wayInevercould have ifIhadn’t walked off the farm whenIwas eighteen and spent all those years missing it.

I’mstanding on the porch looking out over the farm when my dad elbows me in the arm and then holds out a bottle of beer to me.

“Selenajust kicked me out of the kitchen.What’dyou do?”

Takinga long drag on the bottle in my hand,Iscowl out at the fields. “Nothingthat would justify her being this pissed at me.”

Mydad tilts his head at me. “YouknowIlove you, son.ButI’mgoing to have to take her side on this one.”

“I’myour damn son, and you’re onSelena’sside?”Fuckme.Thatwoman.I’dbe on her side, too.IfIwasn’t the one she was pissed at.Ialways want to be on her side.Inever want to be anywhere else.

“Selenabrought you back home to us.”Mydad shrugs, like that makes any kind of sense.

“Youbeing an idiot on a tractor brought me home, so you should be thanking yourself for that.”

“Myaccident brought you home.Butit didn’t keep you here.Shedid.”Mydad smiles. “Shereminds me of your mom.It’snice having a woman around the house again, keeping you boys in line.Anddamn, can she cook.Youpicked a good one, son.”

Ithink this is maybe the most my dad andIhave ever talked about something that wasn’t the weather, or how the grow season was shaping up, or whenIwas coming home next since before we lost my mom.

“Idon’t thinkIpicked her.Fromthe minute that elevator stopped, it was just inevitable.Ineeded her, andIwas never going to let her go.”Shrugging,Ishake my head and look back out over the farm that stretches all the way to the mountains in the distance. “Idon’t know how to explain it any better than that.”

“Youdon’t need to.Thatwas exactly how it was with your mom and me.OnceIlaid eyes on that smile and that ass,Inever thought of another woman.”

“Pleasenevertalk aboutMom’sass ever again.Butother than you scarring me for life,I’mgladI’mnot alone in this.Ifeel crazy half the time.LikeI’mobsessed with her.”

“Ithink that’s just love, son.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

“Nowgo apologize for whatever you did.Becausedinner smells too good, and how pissed she seems at you,Idon’t think she’s planning on letting you have any.”

Takinga big drink of my beer,Ishake my head. “Atleast she’s not hissing at me.”

“Yet, son.Yet.Gotalk to her.Tellher half of what you just told me, and you’ll be forgiven for whatever idiot thing you did.”

“Whydoes no one believe me thatIdidn’t fucking do anything?”

“I’mnot getting on the wrong side of this fight.Ialready told youI’mon her side.Now,I’llbe in my chair.Callme when you’ve apologized andSelena’sready to feed us.”

“Noone’s on my fucking side around here,”Imutter, asIfinish my beer.Fuckinghell.I’mnot apologizing for this.Ididn’t do anything wrong.

“Don’tbe ridiculous.Letme carry that,”Jamesonargues withLilyas she walks around the house carrying a massive plant in a big pot.

“Areyou going to come to work with me every day and carry stuff around for me then, too?”

Jamesonscowls down at her. “Iguess so.Soundslike someone needs to.”