“Hi,Jackson.Willyou sign my tits?”Sheleans forward, pushing her chest out towards him.

Iwant to slap her right on her perfect boobs.

Jacksonjerks his head towards me. “Sorry, but my girl wouldn't like it.I’mhappy to sign any merch or posters, though.”

Iwould very muchnotlike it.ButI’malso not his girl.Orat leastIwon’t be in a few hours.

Theredhead doesn’t seem impressed, but she gets a t-shirt signed and then moves on.Probablyto get someone else to sign her boobs.

Honestly, good for her.IwishIwas brave enough to just walk up to a guy and ask him to sign my breasts.MaybethenIwouldn’t be too afraid to askJacksonwhy he keeps torturing me like this, acting like we’re together when it’s all going to end at midnight.ButI’mway too chicken to do that.



Jacksontakes a right in the blackRangeRoverthat miraculously showed up at the hotel for him, as he drives us to meetJonasfor dinner.

“Willyou sign my breast?”Iask out of nowhere.

I’mtired of the silence and awkwardness between us.Iwant to be bold and brave like that redhead atRaven-Con.Evenif the thought ofJacksonsigning her boob makes me taste acid.

Jackson’seyes fly from the road ahead of us to my face. “What?”

“Youheard me.Istole one ofJonas’ sharpies.Iwant you to put your signature on my boob.”

“Howmuch of that bottle of rosé did you drink when we were getting ready for dinner?”

Afterthe convention ended for the day at five, we walked up to the front desk of the hotel hosting the convention and there was a room key waiting for us.Changesof clothes and toiletries were already in the room.Anda bottle of rosé was in a fancy silver ice bucket.InJackson’slife, those kinds of things just happen.

“I’mnot drunk.”

“Areyou sure?Becauseyou just asked me to put my signature on your tits, baby.”


“HopingJonas’llsign the other one at dinner?”

“Agirl can dream.”

“Baby, are you trying to start a fight?”

“Whywould this start a fight?I’mjust telling you whatIwant.Idon’t get what the big deal is.”

“I’mnot signing your tit.Singular.Eitherone of them.”

“Whynot?You’vecome all over them.What’sthe difference?”

“Thedifference is we both enjoyed whenIdid that.Alot.”

“I’denjoy this, too.”

Jacksongives me a wary glance. “It’snot happening, baby.”

“You’llcome all over my boobs, but you won’t do this for me whenIask you to.I’llsay please?”

“No.ButI’llcome on your tits again anytime.Allyou have to do is ask.”

“MaybeJonaswill?”Iwhisper, wondering ifI’mbrave enough or afraid enough to trigger the nuclear option soIdon’t have to wait and watch the clock turn to midnight.OrwatchJacksonwalk away from me when it does.