Jacksonleads me behind a row of booths lining one side of the huge hotel ballroom.Itlooks like several connected ballrooms with their panel dividers opened up.Heleads me down a long hallway and then through another door.Hedoesn’t bother knocking.

“Shouldn’tyou…”Istart, about to tell him exactly how rude he’s being.

“Jacks!Holyshit!Whatthe hell are you doing here?”



JonasfreakingVerKnauffis standing right in front of me.Timehas been kind to him.Very, very kind.Hestill has a boyish look to his face, with lines just forming around his eyes.Holyshit, he’s handsome in person.

“Hey, brother.It’sbeen too long.IthoughtI’dfinally come and check one of these things out after all these years.”Jacksonwalks forward and wraps his arms aroundJonas.

Theyhug for a long minute, and thenJonaspulls back, frowning. “Somethingwrong?Whyare you really here?”

Jacksonshrugs and then turns towards me. “Jonas,I’dlike you to meet my girlfriend,SelenaMiller.Selena, this isJonas.”

AmIhaving an allergic reaction?Didmy tongue suddenly grow three sizes?BecauseIcan’t seem to move it to create sounds.Words.Words.That’swhat they’re called.Words.

“Selena?”Jacksonasks, eyeing me.

“Hi…Jonas.It’summm, it’s really nice to meet you.I’ma… ummm… a really big fan.”

Jonassmiles at me, and it’s like a thousand double rainbows.Myteenage self is completely losing her shit. “Hey,Selena.It’snice to meet you, too.”

JonaselbowsJacksonin the ribs. “Ithink your girl like me better than you.”

Nodding,Istep forward. “Ido!Iamsucha big fan.”

“So, this is what she’s like when she’s star-struck.Iwouldn’t know.”Jackson’sdeep laugh sounds next to me. “You’renot even going to pretend it’s a close call are you, baby?”

“Nope!Becauseit’s not.Noteven close,”Imutter to him, my eyes onJonas.

JustbecauseI’min love with the realJacksondoesn’t meanI’mnot obsessed withJonasas an actor.Watchingold episodes ofRaven’sRavinewithJacksonhad me swooning overVampireVincent.ButseeingJonasin the flesh has me back onTeamVampireClaudeforever.

“Doyou want to take a picture?I’msureJackswon’t mind,”Jonasoffers.

“Yes!Yes,Ido!”Reachinginto my purse,Ishove my phone atJackson. “Takelots.”

Jacksonshakes his head, but he’s smiling.Orat least,Ithink he is.BecauseIcan only see him in my peripheral vision.Myeyes are glued toJonas’ perfect face, perfect light blue eyes, and perfect swoop of dirty blonde hair.He’sbarely aged.Likea vampire.

Jonasthrows an arm over my shoulder and my inner department store catalogue model emerges.Againand again,Ipose with him in an increasingly deranged series of unhinged positions.Armsare not supposed to bend that way.Hipsare not supposed to work like that.Jacksondutifully takes picture after picture.

“Howabout one of all three of us?”Jonasasks, after a few minutes. “I’mgoing to need proof thatJacksonWatersactually attended aRaven-Con.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,”Jacksonmutters, as he steps forward to my other side and wraps his arm around my waist.Withhis long arm extended, he takes a few selfies of the three of us.

“Thankyou so, so much,Jonas!Youhonestly have no idea what a huge thrill this was for me,”Itell him, holding his hand between both of mine.

Stopbeing crazy,Selena.Letthe man go.

Iorder myself to let go of him, butIthinkI’mglitching.BecauseIdo not, in fact, let go ofJonasVerKnauff’shand.

“Don’tbe so sure.I’mgetting that it’s a pretty big deal for you.Almostas big of a deal as you gettingJackshere is for me.Thanksfor bringing him to see me.He’salways too busy working to make it up north to the vineyard.”

Ican’t lie toJonas, even implicitly. “Itwas actually his idea.Ididn’t even know where we were going.Itwas a surprise.”

“Huh, well, that’s interesting.”Jonasstares at me with his piercing blue eyes before turning to look atJackson.