“Jonas, we’re ready for you,” says a tall redheaded man who sticks his head behind the black curtain to the stage.

“Shit,IguessIneed to get out there.”Jonasruns his hand through his dark blonde hair, perfectly messing it up. “Areyou going to stick around for a while?I’mstuck here until five.Butwe could get some dinner later?”

“Wewere going to walk around for a bit, and then head home.”

“Okay.Well, come up to the vineyard soon, will you?Thekids miss theirUncleJacks.”Jonasgrins. “AndIguess there’s no chance of convincing you to do the panel with me?Forold times’ sake.Bea hell of a lot more fun with you out there sitting next to me.Justlike the old days.”

Jacksonshakes his head. “Idon’t think so, man.”

“Whynot?”Idemand, sounding squirrely asIfrown up atJackson.

“Jacksis too big to do a dumb panel atRaven-Con,”Jonassays, answering for him.

“That’sridiculous!Idon’t need to get back toL.A. tonight.So,I’dloveto stick around and watch the panel and then have dinner with you,Jonas.Jacksonis free to leave anytime, butIcan’t waitto see the panel.”

“Selena…”Jackson’svoice is a low warning.OneIignore.

“Ifyou’re so big and important and have big and important things to do back inL.A., then go.Butyou’re here now, and this isn’t stupid.Raven-Conisn’t stupid.Jonasisn’t stupid.I’mnot stupid.Andall the fans out there who love this show and love you aren’t stupid.Whywouldn’t you do something that would make so many people happy?Notdoing it is what sounds stupid to me.”

Jonaslets out a long whistle. “Thelady has a point…”

Jacksontakes a couple of steps forward until he’s standing right in front of me.Catchingmy chin with his hand, he tilts my face up to his. “Youwant me to do the panel?”

“Yes.Youowe a lot to these people and to this show.Itwould be nice of you to give something back to all the people who are out there still supporting you.”

Henods at me and then turns toJonas. “IguessI’mdoing the panel, then.”

Theredhead appears from behind the curtain again. “Jonas, we really need to get started.Thecrowd is getting restless.”

“I’mso excited!Okay,I’mgoing to go around and find a seat at the back somewhere.I’llmeet up with you two after.”

“Noway,”Jacksongrowls at me.Hepulls out his wallet and peels off a few hundred-dollar bills and then walks over and hands them to the tall redhead. “Canyou go find a seat in the front row and put her in it?Offercash or a selfie with me andJonas, whatever you need to do.Justempty a seat in the front row and put her in it.”

“Yougot it,Mr.Waters.”Theredhead looks at me. “Pleasecome with me, ma’am.”

Nodding,Iwalk towards the black curtain.WhenIpassJackson,Ipress my hands against his chest and lean up and press my lips softly against his. “You’rea good man,JacksonWaters.”

Witha smile,Islip through the curtain.Icould swear thatIhearJonaslaughing andJacksongrumbling until allIhear is the excited crowd around me.

* * *

CelebritEYES:ARaven’sRavinereunion?Ourfavorite vampire brothers reunited at last… #elevatorgirl was there too!



Jackson’sminion empties out a seat in the front row in exchange for a fifteen minute one-on-one and photo withJacksonandJonas.Everyonein the front seat wanted to take the redhead up on the offer, but sinceIjust needed the one seat, only one lucky fan got it.Iwould say thatIdon’t get trading a seat the guy probably bought months ago for fifteen minutes withJackson, butIcompletely get it.Iwould give just about anything for more time withJackson.Evenfifteen minutes and a few more pictures to remember him by.

Istand up and clap along with everyone else whenJonasis announced.Istay standing becauseIknow what’s coming next.

Thecrowd behind me goes wild when they announce a surprise guest.Andthey almost blow the roof off of this place when they announce that it’sJacksonfreakingWaters.

Ihave no right to be, butI’mso damn proud of him.Jacksonwalks out with a dark frown on his face, but when his blue eyes meet mine, he smiles and relaxes asIgo crazy clapping and jumping.Imust look insane.AndIdon’t care.

Jacksonwaves to the crowd and then takes a seat next toJonas.Theshow runner who madeJacksonandJonasboth household names sits next to them.Andnext to her is the author of the books the show was based on.I’veread all of herYAparanormal series.Andloved every word.Iwonder ifIcan meet her after?

I’mnot surprised when all eyes and almost all the questions are aimed atJackson.Noone gets that better than me.Myeyes arealwayson him.