
Whenwe’re sitting in his car,Iglare at him until he looks at me.

“Canyou please explain to me why you’re so grumpy today?You’regetting everything you want.I’mcontinuing with the contract for the next two weeks.Wecan go on as many fake dates as you want.Idon’t even care anymore.AndthenI’llbe on my merry way, per the contract.Nostrings attached.Hell,Ieven would have had sex with you behind that shower curtain right now.Whichwould have been a completely terrible idea, because it’s, you know, a shower curtain.Inmy place of work.Iprobably would have had to sign up for sexual harassment training after that.ButIstill would have done it.So, honestly,I’mjust really not sure what you have to whine about, andI’mnot interested in a moody movie starfakeboyfriend, ifI’mbeing completely honest.”

Ishe grinding his teeth now?BecauseI’mhearing full-on grinding.

“Moodymovie starboyfriend,”Jacksonsays.Hisvoice is menacing, like something out of that movie where he played the assassin.Igive zero shits.




Moodyis an understatement.It’sa colossally inadequate word to describe my present state of misery.

Thewoman is trying to kill me.

Isthis whatImissed out on by jumping on her any chanceIgot since the first time?Selenabeing a temptress?Tryingto seduce me?Shakingthat perfect round ass in my face?Shewanted to fuck me behind that flimsy shower curtain in her bakery kitchen?

Fuckinghell, the woman is going to kill me if she keeps this up for the next two weeks.UnlessIdon’t followLily’srules.Butsince it’s been less than twenty-four hours, andI’mfucking desperate to break the rules,Ihave a feeling they’re there for a reason.Butdamn it, this all had better be worth it at the end of this.Andthe only thing worth anything isSelenatelling me she loves me.

“So, where are we going?”

“Itold you it’s a surprise.”

“MaybeIdon’t like surprises?”

“Thatmight work ifIdidn’t know you.ButIdo.Andyou love surprises.So, try again.”

Selenanarrows her eyes into a glare, aimed right at my face.

Thisis going fucking great.

Pullingoff the highway about twenty minutes from her bakery kitchen,Icut through a residential neighborhood untilIreachSilverLake.Ipull into an alley and park mySuburbanalong a brick wall.

“Ican’t get out.Youparked too close.”

“Comethis way,I’llhelp you.”

“No.Justmove the car a few inches.”

“We’realready late because of your little show back there.Getyour beautiful ass over here.”

Selenarolls her eyes at me and then shoves her purse into my chest.Itoss it up onto the roof, out of the way.Thenshe hikes herself up onto her knees and starts crawling across the seats.WhenIcan see that both of her knees are clear,Iwrap my arms around her and pull her out.Ilet every inch of her slide down every inch of me before setting her on her feet.

Sherolls her eyes at me again. “Likemoving the car a couple of inches wouldn’t have been easier?Sure.”

“Workedjust fine from whereI’mstanding,”Itell her with a grin.Iturn back to face the car and adjust myself—think of the fucking desert—before grabbing her purse from the roof and handing it back to her.

“Didyou bring me here to murder me or what?”

“Orwhat.”Takingher hand,Ilead her towards a giant steel door.Tuggingit open,Ipush her in front of me into the dark room.ThenIscramble to find the light switch.

Whenthe lights finally flicker on, we’re standing in an old commercial kitchen.Black-and-white tiles line the floor in a diamond pattern.Everyflat surface is stainless steel.Theappliances look like they could use some modernization, but it’s a hell of a lot bigger than where she is now.Onthe far wall, there’s an actual office with a door that closes.Incase she ever wants to fuck me at her work again.Ihope to hell that we’re going to need it one day soon.

“Ooh, a kitchen!I’mso impressed!”Selenaturns in a circle, eyeing it appraisingly. “Canwe go now?”