
“Whyare we here?”

“Knock, knock, knock,” a woman’s voice says from the front end of the kitchen.Sandra, my realtor. “IthinkIcan help with that.Youmust beSelena.I’mSandra.Jacksonasked me to help you find your dream bakery.AndIdon’t know why he insisted on bringing you in the back.Becausethe back… needs a little work.Butit’s nothing that a little—or a lot—of money can’t fix, though.Butthe front is where the real magic is.Comeon out here with me!”

Selenawalks away from me, andIlet her go, letting our hands pull apart.Shedoesn’t need me hanging onto her every second of every day.Thisis about her business.I’mjust here to be a second set of eyes and to bankroll whatever she wants.That’sit.

ButIwant to see her see it for the first time.Sandrasent me pictures, and this place is perfect.It’sold-fashioned.Itreminds me of the diner inWesternSprings.That’sprobably whyIlike it.

Selena’ssmiling as she turns in a slow circle.Hereyes are wide.Idon’t need to look away from her to see what she’s seeing.ThepicturesIsaw, a couple of inches tall, were more than enough.Ialready know the white and black floor carries on out there.Thata big glass bakery case lines half the wall and a big service counter on the other side with a massive, old chrome espresso machine.Thatthere are a couple of booths and a few bistro tables.Everythingneeds a good clean or a coat of paint,Selena’stouch, but it’s all there.

AllIcare about is the look on her face.Andthat she’s smiling.

“It’sbeautiful.It’sso charming.Whatdid it used to be?” she asks breathlessly.

“It’sbeen vacant for about eighteen months.Itused to be a littleItalianbakery.Areal mom and pop shop.”

“That’sa long time for a place like this to stay vacant.What’swrong with it?”

“Well, you’re not wrong about that.Ithink it may have a little something to do with the price.”

Selenanods. “Ah, that’s why this place didn’t show up in any of my searches.”

Steppingout of the doorway,Iwave my arm at her. “Theprice doesn’t matter.Allthat matters is that you love it.”

Selenarolls her eyes. “Saysthe rich movie star.”

“Mr.Watershas made it very clear that price is no object…”

“Hashe?”Selena’seyes shoot to mine. “Sandra, couldMr.WatersandIhave a few minutes alone?”

“Ofcourse!Youjust give me a shout when you’re ready.”

“Thanks,Sandra.”Selenawaits for the other woman to walk out the front door of the bakery and for the door to close behind her.


“Yes, baby?”

“Whatis this?Likewhat exactly is going on here?”

“We’restanding in an old bakery.”

“I’maware of that.Butwhyare we standing in an old bakery?”

“Becauseyou need a new bakery?”

“Stopplaying games.Whyare we here?”

“Tofind your dream bakery.”

“Idon’t know why you even want to do that.AndIdon’t want to know.Thisplace is perfect, but there’s no way it’s in my budget.”

“So, we agree then?It’sperfect.Let’stake it.”

