“Byproving that you love her.Puther first.Showher she’s the most important thing in your life.Careabout the things that she cares about… and maybe don’t have sex with her?”

“What?Whywouldn’tIhave sex with her?”

“SheandI’vebeen messaging since you got back toL.A.”

“Andshe talked to you about having sex with me?”

“Yeah, and it seems like that’s all you two do.Tryto see it from her perspective.Ifall a guy wants to do is have sex with you, then what are you going to think?”

“Thathe’s super fucking hot for you and enjoys making you come?Alot,”Ireply angrily.

“Orthat he just wants you for sex?Idon’t make the rules,Jacks.Thousandsof years of the patriarchy and society do.Haveyou ever told her how you feel about her?Evereven hinted at it?Evertalked about the future?”

“Ithought about it.Alot.”

“She’snot a mind-reader.Womenwant you to use your words.Andshow us with your actions.”

“Butyou said…”

“Actionsthat don’t involve your dick.”

“Okay, okay.Messagereceived.”Whyis this so fucking hard?IwantSelena.Ilove her.We’reperfect together.Iwant to spend the rest of my life telling herIlove her and making her come over and over.Iwant to take care of her. “WhatifItell herIlove her now?”

“Haveyou ever even hinted at how you feel?”Lilymakes a ticking sound. “Thesilence speaks volumes.So,I’lltake that as a no.Imean, you could.Butshe might not believe you.Someguys will say anything to get a woman to have sex with them.Andif she thinks this is just sex, and then you tell her you love her, it’s kind of coming out of nowhere.”

“Ican’t fuck her.Ican’t tell herIlove her.Whatthe hell amIsupposed to do here?”


“Whatthe hell does that mean?”

“Figureit out!Dateher.Courther.Makeher fall in love with you.Makeher fall in love with the life you two could have together.Bethere for her and let her come to you.”

“WhenshouldItell herIlove her?”

“Justgive her some time.I’msure she’ll give you a sign that she loves you, even if she doesn’t say the words first.Justpay attention and do everything you can to make her love you.Trustme, you’re not that hard to love.”

“You’repretty good at this, you know,”Isay thoughtfully. “Everthink of trying some of this stuff out onGunnar?”

“Idon’t want to talk aboutGunnar.Andif this is whatIget for helping you un-fuck your situation,I’mgoing to think again next time.”

“No, you’re not.”


“Thanksfor being my best friend,Lil.”

“Itis truly a hardship sometimes, butIdo my best.”



“Menare the opposite.Wedon’t want words.Wewant actions.Preferablyones that involve eating… food and your-”

“Don’tsay it.”

“Justgo jump onGunnaralready.Thenyou can both thank me.”