“I’mhanging up on you.”


Testingmy luck,Isit in my car in the dark for a while thinking over every wordLilysaid.HowcouldSelenathinkIonly want her for sex?Imean, when the sex is that good, sure, maybe.ButI’malways holding her hand.Ifucking love spending time with her.Ifucking love her.Howdoes she not know that?

Becauseyou never fucking told her, asshole.

Howthe hell doIgiveSelenaspace and woo her at the same time?Ican’t make her believeIlove her if she’s across the city and won’t even talk to me.Andthe clock is ticking on the contract period.Ihave two weeks before she thinks she never has to see me again.

Well, that’s one problem figured out.Ican’t let her shut me out.

Myfingers are swiping to callSelenain seconds.

Ican still see her in the window from here.She’sjust a dark shadow until the ringing phone screen lights up her face.AndIsee her decline the call.Ouch.

Swipingone more time,Icall again.Andshe declines the call again.Doubleouch.

Thirdtime’s the charm.Itrings, and it rings.

“Whatdo you want,Jackson?”

“Hello,Jackson.I’msorryIpacked up my shit and moved out without telling you.I’msorry that you lost your mind worrying that something happened to me.AndI’msorry that poorOatsis pouting, waiting for me to come home.”

“Ididn’t move out becauseIdidn’t live there.Iwas just… staying over.”

“Semantics, baby,”Iwhisper. “Areyou at home?Areyou safe?”

Shemakes a strangled, blowing sound like she’s trying to hide the fact that she’s crying from me.


Shesure as hell doesn’t sound fine.

“Whyare you calling so late?DidIforget something?Youcould have just sent it over tomorrow or whenever?”

“I’mcalling becauseIneeded to make sure that you’re alright.”

“Itold youI’mfine.”Thelast thing she sounds is fine.

Thisisn’t getting us anywhere.

“We’regoing on a date tomorrow afternoon.”Afternoonshould be safe.Andin public.SomewhereIcan’t throw her knees over my shoulders and devour her perfect pussy.

“What?No.Itold youIdidn’t want to do any more stupid events.”

“Youdon’t have to.Butthe contract doesn’t end for another two weeks.Asfar as the world knows, my elevator girl andIare in love.So, we’re going to keep dating… publicly.”

“Jackson, please…”IfIwas a better man,Iwould let her go.Becausethe pain in her voice is almost enough to break me.ButI’mselfish.Iwant her for myself, andI’mgoing to spend the rest of my damn life proving to herIwas worth the pain she’s feeling right now.I’mnever going to let her hurt like this again.

“Sorry, baby.It’snon-negotiable.I’llpick you up at the bakery kitchen at two.”


“Goodnight, baby.”

Shehangs up without saying another word.

“Oats, stage one of getting your new mom back accomplished.”