He’stoo late.

I’malready ruined for other men.

Idon’t know how many timesI’mgoing to be with him like this.SoIsavor every second of the soft skin of his cock in my mouth.Imemorize the taste of him.Theheavy weight of him on my tongue.Everysingle vein pulsing along his length.Isavor every second of this untilJacksonbursts in my mouth.Hiswarm, salty cum hits me in the back of the throat as his hips jerk against my face, andIswallow every drop just like he told me to.Witha couple more hard passes of his tongue over my clit,Iexplode on top of him in answer.Jacksonlicks up every drop of pleasureIhave to give him and more.

Whenour bodies finally stop shaking,Ilift my head and wipe the sweat off of my forehead.Jacksonpresses his lips against my thighs.Firstone side, and then the other.

“Oh, my fucking god.Ithink you just killed me.IthinkI’mdead.Andit was all worth it,”Jacksonsays behind me.Heslaps my pussy lightly, and the pressure on my delicate nerves almost has me coming again.

“Itwas good?”Iknow how hard he just came in my mouth, butIalso know thatIcould have cut off his air supply in a heartbeat.

“Itwas more than fucking good.Youfelt how hardIcame, just likeIfelt how hard you came.Youjust fucked my damn face off, baby.Itwas amazing.You’refucking amazing.”Jacksongrabs my hips and pushes me up untilI’mkneeling over him again.Thenhe pushes and pulls me, guiding me untilI’mstraddling him, but facing him this time.

Heruns the back of his index finger along my cheek. “WhatdidIdo to be so lucky thatIwas the guy stuck in an elevator with you?”

“I’mnot sure that lucky people get stuck in elevators?”

“Iwas.Becausethat’s howImet you.”Jacksongrins up at me. “Now, give me a couple of minutes, andI’mgoing to show you just how lucky you make me feel.”

Hepulls me down on top of him and runs his hands up and down my sides.Hesmacks me on the ass and then grabs a fistful into a tight pinch.Myhips involuntarily press into him, already turned on again.ThenJacksonpops one of my breasts out of my bra and pulls my nipple into his mouth to suck on it lazily.

“Ineed a couple of minutes, but that doesn’t mean you should have to wait,”Jacksonwhispers through the teeth he has clenched around my nipple.



Shetastes so fucking good.Sofucking good.

Justbecause my dick needs a few minutes to get hard again doesn’t mean the rest of me wants her any less.Myfingers are itching to touch her.Mytongue needs to taste her.Always.

Andthat little trick she did with the cupcake?Thatwas sexy as fuck.Thesexiest thingI’dever seen until she climbed on top of me and fucked my face with her pretty pussy while she devoured my dick.Everytime,Ithink it can’t get any better.Andevery time with this woman is better than the last.

Takingmy lips off of her nipple,Idrag my tongue up her chest, over the subtle rise of her collarbone, and then along her jaw to her ear.Itrace the curl of her ear with my tongue before whispering, “I’mgoing to break this pussy tonight, baby.”

Tracingmy tongue back down her jaw and then up to her lips,Ipress inside her.Ican still taste her on my tongue, and know she can, too.Shelets out the prettiest little moan.

“Howmany times haveImade you come tonight?”

Herlips twitch. “Onlyonce.Slownight,Iguess.”

“Night’sjust getting started, baby.Night’sjust getting started.”

Iplay with her nipples until she’s arching her back to shove them farther into my mouth and grinding her pussy into my thigh.Mycock is hardening as we speak, butI’monly at half-mast, soIdecide to use my fingers to get the job done this time.

Shovingmy leg between hers,IrollSelenaonto her side, facing me.Irun my hand down the side of her.Fromthe heavy curve of her breasts, loose now on top of her strapless bra.Whenshe took off the dress, she tossed it onto the sofa with me.Thatwas fine untilIlay down on top of it.Thisdress is going to be ruined by the timeI’mdone with her.Coveredin sweat and cum.It’snot like she could wear it again anyway, since she was photographed in it tonight.NotthatIcare.I’dbuy her a thousand designer dresses and then ruin all of them just like this.

Irun my hand down the inner curve of her waist to the big curve of her hips.Pullingmy hand back,Ismack her ass again.Thesharp sound fills the room, all the way up to the fourteen-foot ceilings.ThenIslide my fingers across her thigh.Islip my index finger just inside her slit and drag it along her from her entrance to her clit.Herwhole body vibrates against me.

“Stillsensitive, huh?”Iwhisper in her ear asIrun my tongue along its curve and then suck her lobe into my mouth over the enormous emerald studs she’s wearing.

Ipull back my middle finger and then plunge two fingers into her pussy.Mythumb finds her clit, andSelena’smoaning against my neck.

“Talkto me, baby.”

“Idon’t know what to say…”

“Howdoes it feel?”