“Ifyou don’t stop messing around,I’mgoing to give you a pearl necklace.Andnot on purpose.”

“Whywould you want to give me a pearl necklaceonpurpose?”Ilook up at him, thinking the idea over.I’mnot sure why he would want to come on my neck, butIguessI’dbe willing to try it, if he thought he’d like it.

“WhywouldIwant you to suck on my cock and then shoot my load around your neck until you’re fucking drenched in me?Baby, there isn’t anything about that scenario that doesn’t sound good to me.I’dcome on every fucking inch of your pretty skin if you’d let me.”


“I’dbe happy to show you later.Rightnow,I’mgoing to come in your mouth, and you’re going to swallow every single hot, salty drop, aren’t you?You’regoing to be my good fucking girl.”

Inod up at him.

“Sayit.Bea good girl and tell me how you’re going to lick and suck my cock untilIexplode in your mouth and then suck down every drop like you’ve never tasted anything sweeter.”

“I’myour good girl.I’mgoing to lick your cock, andI’mgoing to suck it until you explode in my mouth.AndthenI’m…I’mgoing to drink every single drop.”


AndIam his good girl.Buthe’s going to do something for me, too.

Pushingup on his knees,Istand up between his legs.

“Layback down on the sofa.”

“Selena,Itold youIwant to come in your mouth.”

Inod. “Youwill.AndI’mgoing to come in yours.”

Jackson’seyes widen, and a huge grin spreads across his face.Nowthat is a million-dollar smile.That’sa smile that belongs on billboards and fifty foot-wide movie screens.Itshould be a crime to watch this man on anything smaller than the big screen.Ifeel practically criminal for being the only one here to see the smile on his face.

Steppingback and forth from one foot to the other,Ishimmy my raspberry pink satin thong down my hips to my feet.Istep out of it.ThenItug off my platform heels.Theydon’t feel like me, andIdon’t want to wear them anymore.Thedress doesn’t feel like me either, andI’mdesperate to get it off of me.Nothingelse might be real betweenJacksonand me.Butwhen we make each other come, that’s real.AndIdon’t want to be wearing this stupid dress whenItouch him.

Lookingdown,Ipull down the zipper on the side of my dress.ThenIpull the skirt up inch by achingly slow inch, until it’s draping from my waist, andI’mtotally exposed to him.Jacksonswallows audibly, and his hard cock jerks at the sight of me.ThenIpull it up over my head and toss it on the sofa next to him.Ihate this stupid dress, but it’s too fancy to just throw on the floor.

“Layback down on the sofa,Jackson,”Itell him again.

Jacksonlays back down on the sofa.There’sa smug grin on his face as he shoves a pillow under his head.Hisraised eyebrow tells me he’s ready and waiting for me.

Afterconsidering for a minute how to do this gracefully,Idecide graceful is a little aspirational.Shiftingmy weight onto my left foot,Ipick up my right and step overJackson.Bendingmy leg,Ipress my knee down onto the sofa next to his chest.Jackson’shands go to my hips, asIpress my other knee into the sofa on this other side.

Heguides my pussy to hover just over his mouth.Ilean forwards and lap at his cock with my tongue to make sure everything is going to line up for whatIhave planned.

“Suckmy cock,Selena.Andsit on my fucking face.I’mgoing to ruin this pussy for any other man.Doyou hear me?”Heruns a thumb up the side of my thigh before pressing inside me. “You’realready so fucking wet for me, aren’t you?Onlyfor me.”

Thefeminist in me says thatIshouldn’t be as turned on asIam whenJacksonsays stuff like that to me.Butthe pounding between my thighs says different.It’sso fucking hot whenJacksonis all possessive and demanding during sex.It’sjust the rest of the time thatIdon’t understand it.AsifIwould ever be interested in anyone else whenIhave this man at home?

IthinkIneed to donate toPlannedParenthoodtomorrow.Actually, we’rebothgoing to donate toPlannedParenthoodtomorrow.

Satisfiedthat contributing toPlannedParenthoodmakes up for my failing at being a take-charge feminist in the bedroom,Isettle in to do exactly whatJacksontells me to do.Ilick and suck his cock like my life depends on it.Mymoans from what he’s doing to my clit make my mouth vibrate around his dick.

Jacksonpulls his tongue out of me, ending the vortex of sensationsI’mcurrently trapped in. “Imeant whatIsaid.Siton my fucking face,Selena.”

Herolls his hips to press his cock farther into my mouth. “Iwant you to choke on my cock while you smother me in pretty wet pussy, got it?”

“Hmmm-hmmm,” my mouth vibrates against his cock.Rollingmy hips,Ipress my pussy farther down intoJackson’sface.Ican feel the hardness of his nose, the beard on his cheeks, the hard line of his jaw between my thighs.Andthat tongue.Ohmy fucking god, that tongue.Heshould have to declare it as a dangerous weapon.

Jacksongrowls, and the vibrations rock through my pussy.Thenhe roughly elbows my knee out, soIfall onto him.Allof my weight is pressing down against him.Itry to push back up onto my knees again, butJacksonholds me down.Hecan’t… like this?Idon’t want to hurt him.Butthe wild energy that he’s devouring my pussy with tells me he’s exactly where he wants to be right now.

AndI’mexactly whereIwant to be.WithJacksonin my mouth, pressing dangerously against the back of my throat asIsuck on him, trying to make him feel even half of what he’s making me feel between my thighs.AndwithJacksonface-deep in my pussy.