“Icouldn’t afford them.Andeven ifIcould, giant emerald earrings aren’t howIwould spend my money.”

“Youdon’t like them?”

“OfcourseIlike them.They’regorgeous.”

“Good.BecauseIalready bought them for you.”

“Thankyou.ButIdon’t need them.”

“Ido.Ineed to see how pretty you look in them.”

Hewatches me intently asIdrag the sides of the cupcake wrapper down.Whenit’s free,Icarefully place it on the glass coffee table behind me.

I’mnot sure if this was a good idea.Jackson’sthrobbing tip is about the same size as the cupcake, if not bigger.Thecupcake might just smash.Butit’ll still taste good, andI’llstill get to lick the frosting off ofJackson’scock.So, that’s definitely still a win in my books.

Runningmy free hand up and down his length a few times,Icircle his tip with my thumb.ThenIswipe the cupcake, frosting side down, against his tip.Leaningdown,Ilick the frosting off with a few quick swipes of my tongue, darting my tongue against his slit to get every bit of sweet frosting.

“Selena.”Myname on his lips is a bite.Abark.

“Didyou like that?”Iwhisper back.

Everymuscle in his body clenches. “Yes,” he grits out.

Holdinghis hard cock steady in one hand,Ipress the cupcake, cake side first against his tip.There’ssome initial resistance, and then the cupcake splits around him.Imake a damn moist cake.That’sthe only way it’s still holding its shape withJackson’scock shoved deep inside it.It’sprobably not going to hold on for long, but it won’t have to.


“Somethingfunny?”Jacksongrits out.

“Iwasn’t sure it would work,”Iwhisper. “Ineed a mental picture of this.”Makinga fake camera clicking motion with my hands,Igrin up at him. “Icould probably sell a lot of cupcakes like this.Howmuch does it cost to haveJacksonWaters’sdick in your ad campaign?”

Jacksonshakes his head at me. “Morethan you can afford.Nowget back to work, baby.Youhave a very important job to do.”

“Customersatisfaction is extremely important to us atLadycakes.”

“Well, your number one customer isn’t feeling very satisfied right now.”

Igrin up at him and then move my lips next to his cock. “Wecan’t disappoint our most important customer, can we?”

Ilick at the frosting a couple of times.Jacksonis watching me, but he’s probably not feeling much at this point.Myhand is wrapped around his length, slowly pumping up and down.Butthere’s a lot of cupcake and frosting between my tongue and his cock.

“MaybeIshould take a bite?”


Ibite the side of the cupcake gently until my teeth hit skin, and thenIdrag them down, biting off a hunk of the sweet cake.Damnit,Imake delicious cupcakes.Eveneaten off of a dick, this is the one of the best cupcakesI’veever had in my life.Actually, eating it offJackson’sdick is a plus, not a minus.

Takinga swipe of frosting,Ilick at his balls.Ballsnever tasted so good.ThenIget back to my cupcake and take another bite.Andthen another.ThenI’mleft with one last frosting-covered cupcake bite right on the tip.Iopen my mouth wide and take the frosting, the cupcake, and as much ofJacksonasIcan fit in my mouth.Isuck and swallow until the cupcake is gone.ThenI’mleft withJackson’scock, and the sweet taste of vanilla frosting and chocolate cupcake.

Pumpingmy hands along his length,Ipull and suck on his head untilIknow he’s close.Ifeather my tongue at his slit.ThenIease off and drag my tongue and then my teeth down the sides of his cock.Iwant to prolong this.Theman deserves to be tortured after his behavior tonight.I’mso damn wet, my thong feels heavy between my thighs.Shifting,Iclench my legs together.

Ineed more.

Iwant more, and for once in my lifeI’mgoing to take it.

