Hegrins. “Notas big as mine, but pretty big.”

Iroll my eyes up at him, desperate to change the subject. “I’msure no one’s is as big asyours.”

Jacksongives me his cockiest smile.Weboth knowI’mnot talking about movie roles.

“Whendo you actually start filming?”


“Wow.That’ssoon.Howlong’s the flight toAustraliafromL.A.?”

“Aboutfifteen hours,Ithink.”

“Iguess that’s nothing on a private jet.”

“Doyou want another glass of champagne or something else?”

“Somethingelse… do they have rosé?”Iask, trying to peer over a few shoulders to see the drinks menu.

“Ifthey don’t,I’llhave someone go out and get it for you.”

“Oh, no.Noone needs to do that.I’lljust have something else.Idon’t even really care.Justnot champagne.”

“Okay, one not-champagne coming up.I’llsurprise you.”

“Doyou need to shake hands or network or whatever it’s called inHollywood?Ican go powder my nose.”

“Ithink that means something else here.Maybedon’t tell anyone else that you’re going to powder your nose, baby?”Jacksonsays with his big, movie star smile.

“Oh, right.Ididn’t even actually mean powdering my nose.Ijust meant, you know, going to the bathroom.”

“Imay just be a humble country boy, butIdid follow that.”

Inod, my neck tight, all of me feeling rigid and restricted in this stupid hair and dress. “Right, a humble country boy in his tuxedo that probably cost more than my car.”

Jacksonfrowns at me. “Youneed a better car.”

“Mycar works just fine.We’renot all rich movie stars.”I’mpissed on behalf of my car and on behalf of myself.Iworked hard to buy my car, just likeIwork hard for everything else.So,Idon’t needJackson’srich butt criticizing it. “Don’tworry about my drink.I’mgoing to go to the bathroom… andnotpowder my nose.Youdo your networking or schmoozing or whatever you need to do, andI’llcome find you, okay?”

It’snever been uncomfortable when it’s justJacksonand me.Butit’s not justJacksonand me now.We’rein a room full of rich and famous people.Myworld is sugar, flour, and frosting.Jackson’sworld is couture fashion, three-hundred dollar bottles of champagne, and cameras.

Ineed a few minutes to myself.AndIneed to not be holding him back from whatever he needs to be doing instead of babysitting me.

He’sfrowning down at me likeI’mturning out to be the disappointmentIalways knewIwould be. “Youokay down there, baby?”


Jacksonnarrows his eyes at me, but he doesn’t stop me whenIflash him a big smile and walk away towards the bathroom.

Thebathroom isfaaaancy.Marblefloors are ringed by sinks with some sort of round fainting sofa in the middle.Thebathroom stalls are off to the far end through a swinging door.It’slike something out of a movie.Andthe tall women swanning around in it don’t help with that.Mostof them are probably actresses or models.Notbakers.Iprobably ingest more sugar through my skin baking in a single day than they do in a year.

Keepingmy head down,Irush to the stall area and dive into the first stallIsee.Idon’t even really need to pee.ButsinceI’mhere,IfigureImay as well.

“Didyou seeJacksonWatersout there?Honey, that man can get it!” a woman’s voice says, likeJacksonisn’t here with the woman everyone—except apparentlyElishaBell—knows is his girlfriend from the elevator.

“Fromyou and me, both!” a second woman’s voice volunteers before entering into a fit of giggles. “He’seven hotter in person.Andthat’s definitely not the norm around here.Howtall is that man?”

“Idon’t know.But,Australia’sa long, long way away.AndifJacksonneeds someone to keep him company at night,Ivolunteer as tribute!I’mgoing to climb him like a tree!”