“Hey,Iwant to volunteer as tribute!”

“You’regoing to have to get yourself toAustraliathen.OrI’lljust have to haveJacksonall to myself,” the first woman says. “Let’sget back out there.”

There’sa clatter of hard heels on the marble floor and then the sound of the door swinging open and closed again.

Inever want to leave this bathroom stall.OrmaybeIwant to run straight out of here intoJackson’sarms and make him promise me that he won’t have sex with any of these women inAustralia.OrmaybeIwant to run out of here and go home.Tomyhome.WhereIonly have to worry about cupcake deliveries and orders of flour and sugar and cocoa, andIdefinitely don’t have to worry about fake movie star boyfriends and who they might have sex with on location inAustralia.

Mylife would be so much simpler ifI’dnever metJackson.Nevergot stuck in that elevator with him.Neveragreed to this whole stupid fake dating thing.Andit would be a hell of a lot simpler ifI’dnever had sex with him.Becausesex always complicates things, and this situation was already complicated enough.

ButifI’dnever metJackson,I’dnever have gone toWesternSprings.I’dhave never met his dad or his brothers, orGunnarandLily.I’dhave never metOats.AndI’dnever know what it feels like to be kissed byJacksonWaters.Orwhat it feels like as he pushes inside me.Howit feels when he makes me come with his head between my thighs.


Lily:Hey, what’s up?How’sHell-A?

Selena:Howdo you know when something’s worth the risk?

Lily:Notsure what this is about.ButI’dsay trust your gut?

Lily:Andif this isJacksonWaters-related, he’s worth the risk.Ipromise

Lily:PSyou two look amazing tonight!Jackssent me a pic

WhendidJacksonsendLilya photo?Ofus?

KnowingIcan’t stay in this bathroom forever, as much asI’dlike to,Ifinish up in the stall and tug my dress back into place.Thisdress is so beautiful, but it’s just not me.IwishIwas at home wearing leggings and a t-shirt, and watchingRoyallyArranged.

Listeningfor a window when no one else is at the sinks,Irush through washing my hands.Assoon asI’mdone,Isneak towards the door.Glancingat myself in the mirror asIpass,Ihave to admit again thatIlook good.Really, really good.ButIdefinitely don’t look like me.

WhenIpush open the swinging door from the bathroom,Ihave options.Ican try to findJackson,Ican go to the bar for a drink, orIcan find somewhere to hide until we can get the hell out of here.

It’snot even a close call.

Optionthree, it is.I’mhunting for a hidey-hole.



Glancingat my watch,Irealize thatSelena’sbeen in the bathroom for more than thirty minutes.Issomething wrong?That’san awful long time to be in a bathroom, even for a beautiful woman.

Lookingover the heads of the producersI’mtalking to,Iscan the crowd for her.Idon’t see her anywhere.Panicgrips me right in the gut.Idon’t like not knowing where she is.Ibrought her into the snake-pit that is aHollywoodpress event, andIshould have stayed with her.Rightby her side.Myarm around her, her hip pressed into my thigh.

“I’mgoing to hit the head,”Iannounce in the middle of someone else talking.Shit, now they’re all going to thinkIhave some kind of bathroom situation.Insteadof a woman situation.I’mhonestly not sure which looks worse.

Walkingthrough the crowd,Inod and smile at peopleIrecognize or see trying to get my attention, butIdon’t let myself get caught up in anything.

WhenIget to the bathrooms,Isee a tall blonde woman coming out.She’sprobably pretty.Mostwomen here are, butIbarely even see her.Ijust need to findSelena.She’sthe only womanIcare about.

“Didyou see a woman in there?”

“You’regoing to need to be a little more specific.Isaw lots of women in there,” she answers with a laugh.

“Right.TheoneI’mlooking for is a little over five feet.Longdark hair, a little lighter at the bottom.Purpledress.Beautiful.Curvy.Thick.”Asif those few words could describeSelena.Athousand more couldn’t come anywhere close to describing her.

“Nope, didn’t see anyone in there that meets that description.Iguess she could have been in a stall, though.Goodluck finding her,Mr.Waters.”Thewoman smiles and walks away from me.

WhenIwalk past the bar,Iscan every single face in the line.ButnoSelena.