“Thatis such a sweet story.Ipoked around in some of the old photo albums back at the house.Shewas so beautiful.”Jackson’smom had wavy red hair just past her shoulders.Shealways seemed to have a big smile on her face and bright red lipstick.Herbody looked more like mine than any ofJackson’sactress or model exes.

“Shewas the most beautiful womanI’veever seen,”Mr.Waterssays with a grin.Hedoesn’t look sad when he talks about her.Iwonder what it’s like to love someone so much that even when you lose them, you’re still happy because of the time you had together?

Jackson’sbrothers walk into the room with a round ofhey dadsandmorning dads.Istand up and step back to give them more room with their dad and brother.

“Jackstell you about the bar fight he started last night?”Jasperasks with a grin.

“Ididn’t start it, butIsure as hell finished it,”Jacksonmutters.

“Course, he did.Hehandled himself likeItaught all of you to.Watersmen protect their women.”

“Oh, wow!”Isay, beforeIcan stop myself. “Nooffence,Mr.Waters, butyourwomen can take care of themselves!”

“Jerry, sweetheart,” he reminds me.

“Careful, or she’ll start hissing again,”Jacksonwarns.

“Hissing?”Jensenasks with a nervous laugh.

“Therest of you didn’t get to see how this woman ended her night.She’sa hellcat,”Jacksonsays with a big grin.

“Yeah, you did!”


“Someoneended the night with abang!”

Myface is burning hot.

“Liesand slander, all of it!Sinceno truth is going to be spoken here,I’llleave you all to marinate in the overflowing testosterone in this room.Pleaseget it out of your systems by the timeI’mback!”

“Whereare you going?”Jacksonstands up.

“Downto the cafeteria to get a tea.Mr.Waters—Jerry—would you like anything?”Iglare at every other man in the room, includingJackson. “NotethatIam not offering to get anything for any of the rest of you.”

“Thankyou, sweetheart.ButI’mgood.Myboys are all in one room, soI’vegot everythingIneed.”

“I’llcome with you.”Jacksonwalks over and takes my hand.

“It’sjust the cafeteria.I’vegot my phone.IpromiseI’llbe right back.AndIprobably won’t get into any fights whileI’mgone.”

“Selena…”Hepresses his hands down on my hips, holding me in place.

Reachingup,Ipress the palm of my hand against his jaw, always so tense. “Jackson, stay with your family.I’llbe fine.Promise.Seeyou in a bit,Nugget!”Witha laugh,Ilean up and give him a peck on the cheek and then skip out of the room before he can stop me.

“Awww,Nugget!”Jasper’svoice carries out of the room after me, before the room fills with the good-hearted laughter of even better men.

Fifteenminutes later, whenI’mon my way back toMr.Waters’ room with my tea and a cute child-size cowboy hat from the gift shop forOats,Ican still feel the heat fromJackson’shands on my hips.It’snot right what that man can do to me with a single touch.Andit’s certainly not fair.Notto me, and not to any other manImeet when this is over.

Assoon asIstep out of the elevator,IseeJacksonrushing towards me.Hebreaks out into a full jog when he sees me.

“What’swrong?Whathappened”Iask him, asIrush forward.Nothingathletic has ever been my strong suit, and to even consider anything more than a brisk walk,Idefinitely need a different bra.Butnone of that matters because something’s wrong.AndJacksonneeds me.

“It’sgood news, baby.Goodnews,” he whispers when we’re standing a foot apart. “Mydad’s coming home from the hospital tonight.Wecan bring him home tonight.”

“Jackson, oh my god!That’samazing!”Withouta thought about anything other than showingJacksonhow happyIam for him and his family,Ithrow my arms around him.Jacksonpulls me into a tight hug, andIhave enough wits about me not to spill my hot tea down his back.Hepulls me so tight thatI’mup on my tiptoes against him.Ican feel his warm breath above me, ruffling through my hair.

Ihold on to him so tightly thatInever want to let go.ButIhave to.Thisis great news forJackson’swhole family, not an opportunity for me to grind on him.Ina hurry,Ilet go of his neck and then take a big step back, soIwon’t be tempted to jump back into his arms.