“Mencan be jerks.Selfish, entitled jerks.”

“I’mso sorry, baby.Ishould have protected you.You’renot leaving this house without me again, do you hear me?I’mserious,Selena.”

Sherolls her eyes at me. “Haveyou always been so bossy?”

“Youcan ask my dad when we get to the hospital.Rightnow, just do asIsay.You’renot going anywhere without me.”

“Youcan be extremely annoying.Didyou know that?”

“So,I’vebeen told.”

“Oh, please.Likeanyone ever tells you anything you don’t want to hear.”

“WhatIdon’t want is to hear about you getting hurt.I’mnever letting anyone hurt you ever again.”

Shesmiles at me, a little sad, and a little sweet. “Thankyou for saying that.Thankyou for protecting me last night like you did.”Thenshe grins even bigger. “NotthatIneeded your help.BecauseIwas handling it,Jackson!”Shehisses my name at me and then bursts out laughing.

“So, you remember how your big night out ended, do you?”Shakingmy head,Itake the last sip of my coffee. “Pleasenever say my name like that again.Itgives me chills.”

“Jackson!” she hisses at me, laughing.Whenshe finally stops laughing, she studies me, her pretty face too serious for this early in the morning. “Thanksfor taking care of me and bringing me home.”

“You’rewelcome.You’renot an easy woman to put to bed.”Shit.DidIjust say that?Whythe hell amItalking about putting her to bed?Thelast thingIneed to think about isSelenaanywhere near a bed.Orhalf naked like she is right now.

Shefrowns at me and then looks away.

“Well, thanks anyway.”Standingup, she picks up her rooster coffee mug and water and turns for the stairs. “I’mgoing to have a quick shower.I’llbe ready in half an hour.”

“Don’trush.We’vegot lots of time for breakfast before hospital visiting hours start.”

Nomatter whatIsay to her, it never seems to be the right thing.



Afteranother two glasses of water, my coffee, a painkiller for my headache, the hottest shower theWatersfarm is capable of producing, and a deliciously greasy breakfast,Ifeel almost human again.

JacksonandIarrive at the hospital right when visiting hours start and we’re the first to get toMr.Waters’ room.Itake a seat in the corner andJacksongoes to sit next to his dad.

“Whatdid you two kids get up to last night?”

Jacksonrolls his eyes at the ceiling and then flashes me a dirty look.Ikeep an innocent smile stretched across my face to stop from laughing at him.

“Oh, the usual.SelenaandLilytook off toWesternRidgeto go to the bar, and got us into a fight.”

Mr.Watersgrins. “Soundslike fun.Ihaven’t been in a bar fight since your mother agreed to marry me.Iwas in them weekly, keeping other guys’ filthy mitts off her before that, until she finally said yes.”

“Shedidn’t say yes right away?”Iask, not able to help myself.

Mr.Watersturns to me. “Nope.Tookme six months to get her to take me seriously.Andanother six months to get her to agree to marry me.”

“Really?Why?”Iask, standing up and walking towards the bed to stand next toJackson.Hereaches up and takes my hand, tugging me to sit down on the arm of his chair.

“Iwas a just a poor farm kid whose big plan was to keep right on farming.Jackson’smom was from a wealthy family over inWesternMountain.Shewas here in town doing a teaching practicum up at the elementary school.Shewent out with the other teachers to the carnival, and that’s whenIsaw her.”

“Loveat first sight?”

Mr.Watersgrins, and it’s like seeingJacksonsmiling at me from the future. “Forone of us.Definitelynot for her.”