“Ooh, ooh!Ihave one!Remindme to tell you about the timeJacksontried to give me theHeimlichmaneuver!”Shesays before bending over laughing and taking me with her, since my arms are still wrapped around her waist.

“Iwill definitely remember to ask about that,”Jamesonsays with a grin.

“Ihate you.Andyou.Andyou.Andhim, too.Ihate all of you,”Itell them overSelena’shead, while she’s still in a fit of giggles in my arms.

“Nah, he loves us.Hejust thinks he has to be the big, tough older brother,”Jamesonsays conspiratorially toSelena. “Youneed to get in touch with your emotions, man.”

“Myfist is going to get in touch with your face in a minute,”Itell him with a wide-eyed smile.Imust look crazy.Idefinitely feel crazy.

“Noone is punching anyone, at least not whileI’maround!”Selenaorders sternly.

Whenshe stands up straight,Ireluctantly let her go.Butshe slides her hand along my arm and then rubs my fist untilIopen my hand and take hers. “We’llsee you at the hospital, everyone!”



Ina minute,Selena’ssafely tucked in the passenger seat of my granddad’s old pickup, andI’mbehind the wheel, pulling out from the curb onGroveStreet.

“Ilike your brothers.Alot.”WhenIglance over at her, she’s turned in her seat to look at me.Theway she’s twisted in her seat, her short sundress rides up even more than normal, showing me dangerous inches of creamy thigh.

“Oh,I’mpretty clear on that, baby.You’veknown them less than a day, andIthink you like them more than me already.”

Selenasmiles, but doesn’t say anything. “Ooh, can you let me out here?Iwant to bring your dad some flowers for next to his bed.”

“Idon’t think the man ever noticed a flower a day in his life,”Itell her, frowning.

“Well, there’s always time to start.It’sjust something to show that we’re thinking about him.Everybodylikes pretty things.Idon’t care how much of a manly man they are.”

IknowIlike pretty things.Prettyeyes.Prettythighs.

“I’mnot letting you out in the middle of the street.I’llpull over and come with you.”

“Inthe middle of the busy street with exactly four cars in it?Threeof which belong to your brothers?IthinkI’llbe fine.Idon’t want you to be late, soI’lljust meet you there.It’sfine.I’mjumping out at the stoplight.I’llsee you at the hospital in a minute, okay?”Shepicks up her purse off of her lap, getting ready to jump out of the truck.

“Selena,I’mnot leaving you here in the middle of a strange town.”

“Astrange town with a thousand people in it?”Shegiggles.


“Wowza!Brightlights, big city!IthinkI’llbe fine.I’lljust see you at the hospital.”

“Howare you going to find the hospital?”

“Usingone of the ten map apps on my phone?Or, you know, my eyes?Thetown only has three blocks.Andthe hospital is the only building with more than three stories.”Sheturns in her seat. “Look,Ican see it from here.I’mreally going to be fine,Ipromise.It’sno big deal.”

Thetruck rolls to a stop, and she puts her hand on the door handle.Thistruck is seventy years old.Theseatbelts are after-market.So, it definitely doesn’t have kiddie locks on the doors to stop her from jumping out.

“Okay,Nugget.I’llsee you in fifteen minutes.Bye!”Witha wave, she unhooks her seatbelt, opens her door, and slides out of the truck.

Someasshole honks behind me for sitting like an idiot at the stop sign for too long.Shit.I’mnot just leaving her here.Notall by herself and looking as good as she does in that little sundress showing off way too much of her tits for anyone who isn’t me to see.Shedoesn’t know this town.Shedoesn’t know where she’s going.Andshe’s not walking around here all by herself.Notfucking happening.

Slammingon the turn signal,Itake a hard right and pull up to the curb to park.Twoout of four wheels end up on the sidewalk.I’mnot too worried about getting a ticket.Everyonein town knows this truck.Andby now, they all knowI’min town.Myfamily’s lived here as long as anyone can remember, and in a small town like this that counts for a whole lot.Thenthere’s the other thing.Inmy experience, a couple of signed cast photos from my latest project—or worse, fromRaven’sRavine—gets me out of just about any trouble.

So,Idon’t take the time to fix my park job.Inseconds,I’mout of the truck, grabbingSelenaby the waist, and pressing her up against the old brick wall of the town movie theater.Iput one hand behind her head and the other behind her shoulders to break the force of the hit, butIlet her ass take all of it asIslam her into the wall.Igrab both of her wrists in my hands and pin them at her sides, tight against the brick wall.Everyinch of my hard muscle presses into every inch of her soft curves.

“Itold you not to get out of the damn truck,Selena!”