“Whatthe hell?I’mfine.You’rethe one acting crazy.Iwas just going to buy your dad some flowers and then walk the eight-hundred feet to meet you at the hospital.Thetown has three streets,Jackson.Threestreets!Itold youI’dbe fine.”Herchest is pounding up and down, distracting me with the inches of flesh bouncing against my chest.Somethingis making her breathe that hard.Probablythe jackass who has her pinned to a wall.

“You’renot fine unlessIsay you’re fine, do you hear me?You’rewithme.So, you don’t just take off without me.Youdon’t buy flowers for my dad without me.Ifwe’re buying some stupid flowers, thenI’mgoing to be the one buying them, got it?”Idemand.

Whenshe just rolls her eyes at me and doesn’t immediately apologize,I’vehad it.

Lettingher hands go,I’mstill pinning her against the wall to keep her still.Reachingbehind me,Ipull my wallet out of my back pocket and take out one of my credit cards before putting my wallet back.Itdoesn’t matter which credit card, none of them have limits.

“Ishould have done this a long time ago,”Iwhisper to her, grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head in one hand. “You’rewith me.Youdon’t pay for anything, do you hear me?Ifyou need anything, you use this.”

Idrag the card down the skin of her neck, down her chest, and then slide it into the tight line where her breasts press together above the lowV-neck of her dress.

Hermouth drops open, showing me that pretty pink tongue she has.Myface is inches from hers like this.Icould move my head down just a little and swipe my tongue over her full bottom lip likeI’vethought about doing about a million times.Pressmy lips against hers.Slidemy tongue inside those open lips and taste her properly.

Selenalets out a shaky breath and nods.Shit,Imust be scaring her.Butshe doesn’t look scared.She’sstaring up at me like she’s seeing me for the first time.That’sprobably right.Thisis the first timeI’vebeen a completely deranged asshole to her.Butright now,Idon’t feel the least bit sorry.

Lettinggo of her hands,Ikeep my arm against the brick wall over her head.Irub the thumb of my other hand along her jaw, dangerously close to those pink lips.Icould lean back and give her some space, but why the hell wouldIdo that when she’s pressed up tight against me like this?Hernipples are sharp little points pressed against my chest.

“Selena?”Idemand, my breath moving the hair around her face. “Whatflowers are we getting?”

She’sstaring up at me.Shehasn’t taken her eyes off of me this whole time. “Ilike… lilies.”

Takingher by the hand,Ipull her with me towards the little grocery store to find some damn lilies, making sure she’s on the building side of the sidewalk and safely away from traffic.



Ican barely walk asJacksontugs me along the sidewalk towardsWesternSprings’ only grocery store.Mylegs are jelly.Myvagina is throbbing.

Whatthe hellwasthat?

Andwhy the hell was it so hot?

Ican barely breatheI’mso turned on.

Thatwas a whole new side ofJackson.ThatwasallofJackson.Allof him pressed up against me, my hands trapped in his.AndIlikedit.Iliked it way too much.Fora second,Ieven thought he might kiss me.Butobviously not.Whateverjust happened,Jacksonwas only playing the part of the jealous boyfriend.

Whenhe slid his credit card between my breasts, it was so freaking hot.Iwanted to grab his hand with both of mine and shove it inside my bra.Andgrab his other hand and shove it up my dress.Inthe middle ofGroveStreet.Ina town of twelve hundred people.Inbroad daylight.

Somethingis officially wrong with me.

AndI’mofficially pissed atJackson.

Thismight all be fake to him, but he has no right to make me question that.Andthe way he’s acting is making me think things are more than what they are.

Idon’t understand him.Evenwhen he’s throwing me up against a wall, he’s protecting me.Theonly part of me that actually smacked against the brick wall was my butt.Heput his hand behind my head and braced my impact.Whenhis whole body pressed up against me,Inever wanted him to move.

HowcouldIactually thinkJacksonmight kiss me?I’mthe last personJacksonwould ever want to kiss.Heprobably just thoughtIwas going to embarrass him by getting lost in a town with one street?ButI’ma grown woman.Ican handle buying some flowers and walking a few blocks to the hospital.

Thelittle grocery store is adorable.It’sa cross between a general store, a pharmacy and a farmer’s market.Tablesof local produce are lined up outside, pressed against the brick wall.Inside, the walls are decorated with old signs.It’sa bit beat up, but in that way that tells you something is actually old, and the scuffs and scratches aren’t just some antique faux-finish.Icould spend a couple of hours in here walking down every aisle and looking at everything from the local canned goods to the brands that we don’t get inL.A.Jackson, however, is a man on a mission.Tuggingon my hand, he leads me to the back corner, where there’s a small and not very impressive flower selection.Thereare a few potted plants and a couple of spindly bouquets of roses, daisies, or wildflowers.AndthenIsee the two bouquets of lilies on the bottom shelf, almost as an afterthought.They’reorange tiger lilies, my second favorite.Butwith only a couple of stems in each bundle,Idecide to get both of them and a couple of the wildflower bundles, too.Ican put them together at the hospital and make something that hopefully looks better than the sum of its parts.

“Happy?”Jacksonasks me, still sounding disgruntled.

“So, so incredibly happy,Nugget,”Itell him, beaming up at him.

Hefrowns at my big smile. “Let’sgo.”

“Weneed something to put them in first.”Scanningthe shelves,I’mnot impressed with the small glass vases.They’renot big enough to fit all the flowers we’re buying.Andthey’re ugly.