“That’swhat the doctor said.Noteveryone.Thedoctor.”

“Ishould have been here.”

“Yourbrothers were here.”

“Daddoesn’t listen to them.Ishould have been here.”

“Doeshe listen to you?”Iask, honestly curious.JerryWatersdoesn’t seem like he’s the kind of man who listens to anything or anyone but his own mind.

Jacksongrimaces. “No, butIstill should have been here.”

“You’rehere now.You’redoing everything you can.Yourdad will be home from the hospital in a few days.Andwe’ll have everything ready for him.Doyou think we should hire a private nurse?”

“Oh, he’s going to love that.”Jacksonlets out a bark of laughter that doesn’t sound amused at all. “Butthat’s a great idea.Thankyou.”

There’sa long silence, and thenJacksonreaches over and squeezes my hand. “I’mglad you’re here.Thanksfor inviting yourself.”

“Anytime,”Itell him with a smile.I’mglad thatIcan be here for him.It’swhatfriendsdo.

Jacksonlets go of my hand as soon as he touches it.There’sno reason to hold on to it with no one else around to see, except the two of us andOats.

Afterdriving in silence for another ten minutes,Jacksonturns off of the highway onto a dirt road. “Thisis it.”

“Thefarm?”Ilook around, but allIsee out the windows is a swipe of darkness in front of us.Theheadlights roll over a large building.

“Isthat a barn?Arethereanimalshere?”

“Yeah?Butit’s a farm, not a ranch.So, they’re pretty much all just pets.”

“Whyhave you been holding out on me?Tellme exactly what kinds of animals you have.Ican’t wait to pet every single one of them.”

“Idon’t think chickens much like being petted.Butthere’s an entire flock of them you can try it with.Andthen there’s a few horses.JarretandJensenride the most.Butthe horses kind of belong to everyone.ExceptViolet.She’sallLily’s.”

Afarm with pet horses and chickens?I’mliterally in heaven.AndIdon’t even think it’s because of the movie star sitting across the old truck bench from me.Well, maybe just a little.

Jacksonpulls to a stop in front of the porch, and the truck’s headlights show a wraparound porch with a freaking porch swing.

“Isthat aporch swing?”

Jacksonlooks back at me. “Yeah?”

“Oh, my god!Ineed to sit on it immediately!”Ithrow the door open and slide out. “Comeon,Oats!”

Rushingup the front steps,Iplop down onto the swing and wince a little as the chains creak under my weight.Thewind chimes at the corner of the house help to hide the sound.Doesit really get any better than a porch swing and wind chimes?

Jacksonfollows me up the steps slowly. “Isthis your first time seeing a porch swing?”

“Inreal life, in the country, absolutely yes!”

Jacksonturns to sit down next to me.

“Wait, can it hold both of us?Ican get off…”Ioffer.

“You’reall good.Itcould hold twenty of us.”

Jacksonsits down and the swing creaks again.Histhigh presses into mine, and he doesn’t move it.Healso doesn’t flinch when he pushes the swing back, and it creaks under our weight again.Whenhe clenches his fingers,Iwonder if he’s about to take my hand in his.ButthenOatsjumps up onto my lap, andIreach out to stop him from licking my face, trying to make out with me.

“Oats!”Jacksonshouts. “Sorry.”Hepoints at the porch, about to tellOatsto get off, butIstop him.