“Whatabout dinner?”

“Lilyordered me to make out with you.Howlong do we have before dinner burns?”

“Wehave a few minutes.”

“Let’snot waste them.”

Thesweet smile she gives me makes all my blood surge to my dick. “NominuteIspend with you is ever wasted.NotwhenIwas pretending to love you.NotwhenIwas pretendingnotto love you.Anddefinitely not now that you’re mine.”

Ipress my hands against her face. “You’rethe best thingIever had, baby.You’rethe best thing that ever happened to me.Andyou’re all fuckingmine.”


Two months later…


Afterdinner,Jacksondid the dishes and put them away whileIsat on the kitchen counter next to him with a glass of rosé.Itwas another perfect, quiet night on the farm.Thefarm that feels like home now.I’mso freaking happy thatI’mabout to burst from it at all times.

AndIhave every intention of rewarding my boyfriend for making me this happy by watching the sunset and then seducing him.

WhenIgo to join him out on the front porch swing,I’mwearing the denim dress from theGoldrush, the infamous night of body shots and bar fights.

Jacksonturns away from the sunset to me as soon as he hears me.Hiseyes always find me in a room.Hishands always reach for me.He’salways touching me.Alwaysshowing me—and telling me—that he needs me.

Thesmile on his face turns into a frown. “Whatthe hell are you wearing?”

Smilingback at him,Iignore his grumpy frown. “Younever told me if you liked this dress.”

“Halfof your tits are hanging out the top and your ass is nearly hanging out the bottom, so you knowIlike it.Butyou’re not going anywhere in that dress, baby.Idon’t care what you andLilyhave cooked up tonight that neither of you decided to tell me about.”

Hemight not look happy now, butI’mpretty sure he’s about to.

“I’mnot going anywhere tonight.”

Hefrowns up at me. “Thenwhy the hell are you wearing that sexy little dress?”

“Ithought she deserved some happier memories.”

Aslow smile spreads overJackson’sface. “Andjust what kind ofhappiermemories were you thinking?”

“Ihave some ideas…”

“Ibet you do, baby.Ibet you do.Areyou planning on telling me what they are?”

“We’regoing to watch the sunset, and thenI’mgoing to seduce you.”

Hiseyebrows dart up. “Ican’t wait to see what you have planned.ButIcan promise you, it’s not going to take much work to seduce me.I’mhard just seeing your tits falling out of that dress.”


“Getyour sexy ass over here on this porch swing, then.”

Witha laugh,Istrut across the front porch over to him.Whenhe reaches for me,Istep into him as he guides me to sit down next to him and then pulls my legs over his lap.Whenhe runs his knuckles over the curve of my breast, my breath catches in my throat.

Helets out a long, slow breath. “You’rekilling me in that dress, baby.”

“Good,”Iwhisper, leaning in to press my lips against the spot whereIlicked salt off of him at theGoldrushmonths ago.