“Willyou hold me?”

“Iam holding you, baby.”

“Holdme tighter.”

Ipull her tighter against me and contract the ring of my arms around her. “Isthat too tight?”


Lilytold meSelenawouldn’t believe me ifIjust blurt out thatIlove her after being a selfish prick.Butthat’s getting harder and harder not to do.Whenshe asked me to tell her whatIwant?Ialmost said it.Butshe already seemed upset.Andtelling herIlove her after signing her ass seemed a bit crazy.Itwasn’t the wayIwanted it to happen.AndIdidn’t want to upset her even more.Ican’t take seeing her upset like she was tonight.Likeshe is now.

Thecontract is up at midnight, as she keeps reminding me.Butit’s going to takeSelenalonger than that to fall in love with me.Itdidn’t take me any time at all to fall in love with her.Butshe’s perfect.AndI’ma grumpy asshole who comes with a hell of a lot of baggage.Icome with the press writing whatever they want about me.Decade-long career commitments, bullshit nutrition plans, and spending months of the year away on a set somewhere.Ican change some of that.ButIcan’t change everything.






Hehas the absolute audacity to look all sleepy and rumpled and gorgeous.AndI’venever loved him more thanIdo right now.AndI’venever hurt more thanIdo right now.

“Thisbed looks like a crime scene,”Imutter when he looks at me.

“That’swhat you woke me up in a panic to tell me?”


“Baby, how many times doIhave to tell youIdon’t fucking care about a mess?Itlooks like a painting.It’sfucking beautiful.Justlike you.”

“Itdidn’t get onto the bed.Butwe’re going to have to steal these towels and this robe.Likecriminals.”Ismack him in the chest, my hand hitting hard muscle. “Howcould you let me just fall asleep like that?”

“It’sjust stuff, baby.Trustme, the hotel doesn’t care about a few towels and a robe, as long asIpay for them.AndI’mhappy to pay for them.Lastnight was perfect.Youwere perfect.”

“I’msure you are happy to pay.”

“Whatthe hell does that mean?”

“Youcan’t solve all your problems with money,Jackson.”

Heleans forward and presses his lips against my shoulder. “ThisIknow.Butthis particular problemIcansolve with money.AndIhave zero regrets about you riding my cock last night and then falling asleep naked in my arms with my dick still inside you.Now, what do you say we have a shower and clean up?”

“Yougo first.I’mgoing to try to hide the evidence.Likeacriminal.”

“Baby,Isaidweshould have a shower.Don’tyou want me to pin you against the shower wall and fuck you with the hot water streaming down on us?Becausethat sounds like a pretty damn good way to start the day to me.”Hereaches down under the sheets and catches my whole pussy in his big hand. “Doyou still have cramps?IguaranteeI’llmake you feel better or die trying.”

“Idon’t think that it’s a good idea.”

Hishand tenses on my pussy. “Whythe hell not?”



“Thecontract.Thetwo months is up today.”