“I’maware.”Hisface tightens.Hiseyes narrow.Hisjaw clenches. “Andso that means you don’t want to join me in the shower?”

“Idon’t think we should…Idon’t want to confuse things.”

“Right.Andwhat would we be confusing?Exactly?”

“Ourselves.Idon’t want people—anyone—to get confused about what’s going on here.”

“Andwhat’s going on here?”

He’sreally going to make me say it.Thewords feel like hot tar on my tongue. “Wehad a contract.Withsomebonusbenefits.Butit’s over now, andIdon’t expect anything from you.Ipromise.”

“So, you’re just ready to walk away from me?”

“Ofcourse.That’swhatIagreed to do.Ipromise,Idon’t want anything from you.”

“Youdon’t wantanythingfrom me.Right.Well,I’mgoing to go in the shower.Andit’ll sure as hell be a lot more fun if you join me.Idon’t give a fuck about the damn contract.”

Takinga deep breath,Itry to make him see reason. “Jackson,Iwant to, butIdon’t think that’s a very good idea.”

“Right.Well, come on and join me if you decide to start making some bad decisions with me.”

I’vehad break-ups before.ButnowIknow thatI’venever had a broken heart.Becausenone of those break-ups felt anything close to what it feels like knowingIhave to say goodbye toJacksontoday.

Iknow sleeping with him again last night was stupid.ButIcouldn’t say goodbye to him without feeling him touch me like he does one last time.

Ican’t believe it was the last time.

He’snever going to touch me like that again.

He’snever going to touch me in any way ever again.

WhenJacksongets out of the shower,I’vewrangled the ruined towels into the white plastic laundry bagIfound in the closet.ButIcan see the red stains through the white plastic.Andsince we don’t have luggage,I’mgoing to be walking out of the hotel carrying it.Ishould have brought my massive work purse.Thatwould have at least hidden the crime while we walk out of the hotel.Ichecked and there were a couple of small bloodstains on the sheets.So,Iused the sparkling water from the minibar to get them out.Thelittle bottle is probably going to costJacksontwenty-five dollars, not that he even cares.

Aftershowering and putting my dress from yesterday back on and doing my makeup as best asIcan with the concealer, mascara, and lip gloss in my little purse,IfindJacksonon his phone at the desk in our hotel room.

“Jonaswants to know if we have time for breakfast before we head out.Iknew you’d insist we go, soItold him yes.”

Ifreeze.Ican’t pretend anymore.Ican’t delay the inevitable.Thisis over.So,Ineed for it to just be over. “Oh, can you tell him that we can’t make it?”

Jackson’seyes catch mine, suspicious. “Youdon’t want to go for breakfast withJonas?Icould barely tear you away from him last night.”

“Idon’t think it’s a good idea.ButIcan wait at the hotel if you want to go see your friend.Idon’t mind.”

“Yousaid having breakfast with him isn’t a good idea.Whynot?”

“Becausethis is over now.AndIwant to just get back to my life.”

“I’vekind of taken over your life for the past two months, haven’tI?”Nowhe can’t meet my eyes.He’sstaring somewhere over my shoulder.

“Yes, but it’s whatIagreed to.Thetwo months are up now.Andit’s time for me to just go back to normal.I’mready for some normal.”

Heshuts down.Whateverhe’s thinking, his face is totally blank. “Right.Iguess having me around makes it hard to be normal.”

Shrugging,Ihold my hand out.Idon’t mean to hurt him.Inever want to hurt him. “Kindof.Imean, you’reJacksonWaters.Youalways seem to forget that.”


JacksontextsJonasback, and it freaking kills me to miss out on breakfast withJonasand more time withJackson.Butmore time having whatIwant is only going to hurt me more whenIdon’t have it anymore.