Leaningup,Ilick her nipple and then suck it into my mouth.Ibite it roughly, and then lick and suck at it.Thelittle cries and moans she makes above me tell me how much she likes it.

She’sdesperate to come after not fucking me for weeks.Herpussy is riding my hand, soIgive her a little more.Ipress my index finger and middle finger into her, up to the hilt, and then drive them in and out of her asIplay with her clit.Icould touch her like this a thousand times and never get tired of it.It’salways a little different.Theway she arches her back.Theway she cries out.Theway she moves under me.There’sno amount of times that’s ever going to be enough.

WhenIput my mouth on her other nipple,Selenaruns her hands through my hair, pressing my face into her body.Shit, she’s needy tonight.Sheneeds me to fuck her so bad.Sheneeds me to make her come.

She’sso fucking slick, andIknow it’s more than just her period.She’shot and wet for me.

“Readyto take this thick cock, baby?Takeevery fucking inch untilIstretch you out howIlike?”

Shenods. “I’mready.Iwant it.Jackson, give it to me.I’lldo anything.I’ma good girl.I’myour good girl.”

“Areyou going to be a good girl and come whenItell you to?Andnot before?”

Shenods, but the way she’s trying to ride my hand feels like she’s trying to wring a free orgasm from me.

Givethe woman what she wants. “Iwant you to come for me beforeIgive you this dick.Iwant you to come all messy and dirty on my hand.Fuckmy hand,Selena.Goon.Takeit.Takeeverything you need.Ridemy fucking hand until you come.”

Selenanods, but her focus is entirely on making herself come.Herhands pull my head back down to her nipple.Andthen she pulls the other one into her own mouth, andIsee her bite down and then suck on it.Hard.

Ifucking love it when she does that.It’sso fucking hot.

Fuckinghell, this woman is trying to kill me.Herhips are bucking wildly as she tries to fuck my hand.Slippingmy fingers out of her,Ipull them up and rub some of her mess on her clit.AndthenIroughly swipe over it with my thumb before pinching that hard little nub between my thumb and index finger.She’sso wet my fingers nearly slip right off, butIhold on tight, pinching her.


Andshe goes off like a fucking rocket.Herbody jerks into hard spasms under me.Hernails dig into the back of my neck.

Istop sucking on her nipple soIcan lean back and watch her come.She’sso fucking beautiful when she comes.She’sglowing, with a sheen of sweat on every inch of her.Apparently, she worked pretty hard on that orgasm.Herlips are open, just turning up into a smile at the corners.Herhair’s a mess, still wet and spread out around her on the white pillow.

Watchingher every single second,Imemorize every movement she makes, every little sound she utters.Ilove this woman and making her come is just about my favorite thing in the entire world to do.Scratchthat, it’s definitely my favorite thing in the entire world to do.

Whenshe finally stills, laying herself back against the pillows and letting out a colossal sigh,Igrin down at her.

“Readyto take this cock?”Idemand. “Shit,Iforgot to grab a condom.Beright back.”

BeforeIcan get up, she lets out an enormous yawn. “Areyou sure?Imean,I’mall good here.Ifeel very relaxed.Nocramps.Icould just fall right asleep after that.Thatwas fantastic.”

“Selena.”Hername is a raw bark on my lips.

Shegiggles up at me.Mygirl thinks she’s funny.She’snot.

Fuck,Ilove it when she teases me like this.I’malways so damn serious.

Smilingat my black stare, she presses her hand against my chest. “Giveme your cock,Jackson.Pressevery single inch inside me and fuck me.”


Jumpingout of bed,Igrab a condom from my jeans pocket, andI’mback on top of her in seconds.Allthat timeIspend in the gym has its benefits, if it meansI’minside of her one second faster.Rippingthe foil,Islide the condom over my length, and then guide my tip inside her.Nomore foreplay.Nomore teasing.Mywoman begged me to fuck her, and that’s whatI’mgoing to do.

Ipress a couple of inches into her and then back off, holding in place.Feelingher stretch to take me.Shebreathes deep and then nods.Ipress in a couple more inches.

“Youtake me so good, baby.Takeevery fucking inch,”Iwhisper, my eyes locked to hers.

“Youfeel so good inside me.Fuckme,Jackson.Fuckme like it was the last time.”

Lasttime?Whatthe fuck is she talking about?

“Giveme all of it,Jackson.Everyinch.Iwant you so much.Iwant all of you.”