Ican’t think when she’s talking like this, and my dick is pushing inside her.Ipush in the last few inches, and when her hips rock against mine,Iknow she’s ready for more.Ipull out of her and then press into her again.It’sslow at first, and then urgent.Ineed her so badly.I’veneeded her for weeks.Ialways need her.

She’sso tight and so wet for me.Slippery.It’sso fucking hot.Whateverpiece of shit madeSelenathink having sex when she had her period was a bad thing deserves a special place in hell.Buteven the thought of her with anyone else has my hands clenching into fists.

Ipress those fists next to her, holding some of my weight on my elbows, asIstare into her face.Herhazel eyes stare right back at me.Ihaven’t felt this connected to her since before she ran away from me.Ineed her.Ineed this.I’mjust a satellite that orbits around her sun.Icouldn’t escape her pull ifIwanted to.AndIdon’t want to.


Shenods. “I’myours,Jackson.Onlyyours.”

Doesshe mean it?Couldshe mean it?Ordoes she just want to come?Theonly time she says she’s mine is whenItell her to say it, so thatI’lllet her come.So, how could she possibly mean it?

Pullingout of her,Iroll over onto my back.

“Whatthe hell,Jackson?”

“Iwant you on top.YouknowIlike you on top.Ilike to see your tits bounce whenIplow into you with this hard dick.”

“Ican’t.It’llmake a mess…”

“Howmany times doIhave to tell youIdon’t care about the mess?Iwant your cum and your pussy blood dripping down your legs all over me, got it?”

Shestudies me for a long second and then nods.Shepushes up onto her knees, and thenItake her hands as she slides one thick thigh over mine and presses down onto my dick.Itgoes faster this time because she’s so fucking ready for me.

Inno time,I’mall the way inside her whereIbelong.She’sso tight and hot and wet.Everythingabout her is perfect for me.Everythingabout her fits me just right.

Grippingher hips tightly,Ihelp her push up and back down onto my cock again and again.Nottoo fast, not too slow.Justthe right speed to drive us both mad.

“Jackson,Ineed to come.Ineed it.Please.”

Slidingmy thumb across from her hip and down onto her clit,Irub her right where she needs.BecauseIlove her.BecauseI’mgoing to spend the rest of my life giving her everything.BecauseI’dgive up my last breath to give her what she needs.

“Comefor me, elevator girl.”

Shegives me whatIwant and clenches around my dick, her pussy grabbing me so fucking tight.Ipump my hips up into her once, twice, three more times.AndthenI’mfucking done.Myballs clench, andI’mshooting my cum inside her for the first time in weeks.Ipress my hands on her hips to hold on to her asIbuck wildly underneath her as she rocks with the tremors of her own orgasm.

Whenwe both finally stop moving, she crumples on top of my chest andIcan feel her jerking against me.Butit’s not from the orgasmIjust gave her.She’sfucking crying.

“Baby, what’s wrong?DidIhurt you?”

Sheshakes her head.ButIdon’t trust it.Reachingout,Itilt her chin up to me and stare into her face.Thesearen’t happy tears.Shelooks like her heart is broken.ButI’vegiven her every chance to tell me she loves me.Orat least that she wanted something more than the contract.Morethan two months.I’vepractically stalked her at work.I’veslept in her bed every night, just waiting for her to tell me she wants me.Andnothing.

“Baby, tell me what’s wrong?”


Shedoesn’t want to tell me whatever it is that has her torn up like this.ButIcan’t take hearing her cry like she is.AndI’ma selfish prick, soIask one of the questions that’s tearing me up instead.

“Doyou likeJonasmore than me?”

Herwhole body tenses.I’mstill inside her, soIfeel it there, too.Andmy dick is already reacting to her.

“Doyou want the truth?”

“Ionly ever want the truth from you, baby.”

Shelets out a few raspy sobs and then runs the pad of her thumb over my chest. “Idon’t like anyone more than you,Jackson.Ididn’t fangirl all over you whenImet you becauseIwasn’t a fangirl forVampireVincent.Fromthe moment we met in the elevator, you were justJacksonto me.Igot to know the realJackson.IlikeJackson.I…”Shebites her lip, andIwould give anything to know what she was going to say. “Jonasis great.Andoh my god, is he handsome.Idon’t think more perfect hair exists.Buthe’s a stranger.Idon’t know him at all.Iknow you.”

Igrunt, becauseIdon’t know what else to say.She’son top of me, her whole body pressed against mine.I’minside her.Butshe feels a million miles away from me.