
“It’sbeen two months,Jackson.Youhaven’t figured out whenIget my period yet?Lilyis going to besodisappointed in you.”

Jacksonstares at the ceiling of the plane like he’s doing some kind of brain math. “Yup, yup, that all adds up.Mybad.Won’thappen again.”

Idon’t bother reminding him that he’s not going to have the chance for it to happen again because we’re down to the last twenty-four hours we’re ever going to spend together.Justthinking about that turns my breath to ice in my lungs.

“Doyou need anything?Chocolate?Painkillers?Ahot water bottle?”

“I’mfine, thanks.”

“Rememberthat thing you told me about the best way to cure menstrual cramps?”

Inod, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an audible response.Ofcourse,Iremember loudly announcing to him that orgasms were the best way to cure menstrual cramps one of the first timesIever met him.Becauseof course,Idid.

“Well, you just holler if you need any help with that.Iaim to please.”Jacksonstretches out the fingers on both hands like he’s readying them for an arm wrestle.

Refusingto deign his nonsense with a response,Islouch into my seat on his plane, choosing to wallow in my misery.

“Youseem… uncomfortable.Comehere, let me help you, baby.”

Ishake my head.Asgood as an orgasm would feel right now, and as much asIknow it would make these cramps magically disappear,Idon’t want him to touch me.Notlike this.Notout of pity, or charity, or medical necessity. “Idon’t want you to.It’sbeen so long.Wehaven’t.Idon’t want it… like that.”

“Baby, you can have whatever you want from me.Wheneveryou want it.Allyou’ve got to do is ask.”Jacksongrins. “ButwhatIactually meant was for you to just come here.We’llget you that hot water bottle.Somepainkillers.Cocoonyou in some blankets.Seeif that doesn’t do the trick.”

Allthe blood in my entire body surges to my cheeks. “Great.Now,Ihave horrible cramps, andIhave to be embarrassed for turning down a fingerbang that wasn’t even on offer.”

Jacksonleans across the plane to me and brushes my hair away from my face. “Baby, it’salwayson offer.Allyou’ve got to do is tell me you want it.Andyou never have to be embarrassed with me.”

Hepresses a button on the side console. “Canwe get some painkillers and a hot water bottle forMs.Miller?Thankyou.”

Thenhe opens an upper cabinet and pulls out some blankets.Hesits down on the sofa lining one wall of the cabin, one leg on the sofa, one leg on the floor.Manspreading, like always. “Comehere, baby.”

Ican’t say no to being in his arms one more time.So,Itake the few steps over to him.Hewraps me up in a blanket and then pulls me down to sit between his legs.Onearm holds me tight across my chest, above my breasts.Theother slowly rubs my stomach in lazy circles.

I’venever let anyone else touch me like this.Mystomach is a no-go zone.ButJacksonhas seen me naked from every angle, and if he wants to rub my soft tummy to ease my cramps, then who amIto stop him?

Shockinglyfast, the flight attendant knocks and then comes into the main cabin.

“Hereyou are, sir,” she tellsJackson, handing him a hot water bottle before setting down a tray on the end table with a bottle of pills and a glass of water on it.

“Thanks, that’s great.”

“Willyou be needing anything else, sir?”

“Nothanks, we’re all good for now.”

LettingJacksontake care of me,Ifinally fall asleep in his arms.

WhenIwake up,I’min a strange and wonderful new world.


Jacksonholds my hand asIgawk at all the people in amazing costumes.Allthe booths.Thet-shirts.Thesigned pieces from the set ofRaven’sRavine.Icould spend a month here, and it wouldn’t be long enough.Justbreathing the air, alive with everythingRaven’sRavine, is fulfilling every one of my teenage dreams.

Afteronly about fifteen minutes of living my best freaking life,Jacksonsqueezes my hand to get my attention. “Sorry, baby.ButIneed to go see someone.Wecan check out the rest of this stuff later.”

Iwonder ifJackson’sjust worried about being mobbed.I’veseen the way people keep doing double-takes as their eyes pass over him.Buthe’s too famous.Everyoneknows he would never go toRaven-Con, so no one seems to think it’s actually him.