“Itfeels so good.Sogood.”

Herbreathing is rough and ragged now.Likeshe’s climbing a mountain instead of just riding my hand.

“Youlike it when my hand’s inside you?Whenmy hand’s fucking you?”

“Yes,” she whispers, nodding frantically.

“Good.Now, tell me what you want,Selena.”

“Iwant you,” she whispers.

“Whatdo you want me to do?”

“Iwant you to make me come.Iwant to come so hardIforget everything except where your body is touching mine.Idon’t want to think about anything except how good you’re making me feel.”

“I’mgoing to make you come so hard.You’regoing to cream all over my hand.You’regoing to cream so hard you ruin your dress, the sofa.Allof it.”

Ibuild up the speed of my thumb over her clit, steadily increasing the pressure asIfeel her legs tighten around my hand.Makinga claw with my fingers,Irub inside her until her body jerks like a bow and arrow.ThenIknowI’vefound herG-spot.

“Jackson, yes.I’mgoing to come.”

“Yeah, baby.Comefor me.You’reso fucking pretty when you come.”

Selenajerks against my hand, her thighs clenched so hard around my fingersIknowI’mgoing to lose circulation if this goes on too much longer. “Yeah, baby, fuck my hand.Comeall over me.”

Ikeep working her pussy with my hand and she keeps coming for me in slow jerks as the waves of her orgasm slow down.Multiplefucking orgasms.IfIwas capable of this,I’dhave worn all the skin off my hands and not seen sunlight in two decades.Womenare a fucking miracle.Thisone in particular.

“Baby, you look so pretty when you come, you’ve got me hard again.I’mgoing to fuck youSelena.Fuckyou until you can’t think of fucking anyone but me.”


Pushingup off of the sofa,Istand up.She’sstill wearing a bra.Andthat’s too many clothes, as far asI’mconcerned.Ineed to see her.

Allof her.Everyfucking inch.

“Standup,”Iorder her, holding out my hand.

Whenshe reaches for me,Ipull her up off the sofa to her feet.ThenIundo each of the five clasps on her strapless bra.

Andthen she’s standing in front of me, completely naked.Forhow many timesI’vemade her come,Iactually haven’t seen her fully naked that often.Herpale skin shines in the moonlight coming through the big windows.Herlips are full and red from sucking my cock.Herdark makeup is smudged around her eyes.Loosewaves of dark hair fall around her face.Andshe’s the most beautiful thingI’veever seen.

Kickingoff my shoes and socks,Ipush my pants and briefs down to the ground.Idon’t want there to be anything between us, keeping us apart.Notclothes, not the contract, nothing.

Ijust want her.

“Doyou trust me?”

Shefrowns, but then she nods.

“Iwant to see every inch of you whenIfuck you.”

Ihold out my hand to her and wait for her to take it.ThenIlead her from the sunken living room to the open plan dining room.Ipull the chair away from the end of the table, andIbring her to stand in front of me.Ipress her back against the table, and then press her down to sit.

“Layback down.”

Shedoes asItell her.

“You’reso fucking beautiful.”