
Jacksonis quiet the rest of the ride home after my verbal diarrhea.Sincehe doesn’t seem interested in talking about what happened anymore,Iget lost in my own thoughts.Andthey’re dark.Crawlunder a rock and drown myself in rosé, dark.Darkand twisty branches of a spooky old tree, dark.

Jacksonpulls up right in front of the big glass door to his house in the center of the massive curved driveway instead of parking in the garage like he usually does.Desperateto get inside, get out of this dress, and start shoving ice cream and rosé down my throat,Idon’t wait for him to come around and open my door for me.Igive zero shits if it pisses him off.Actually,Ihope it does.

Ibeat him to the front door and open it, lettingOatsrun past me outside toJackson.Iguess you can take the boy out of theWesternSprings, but you can’t take theWesternSpringsout of the boy.Justlike back home inWesternSprings,Jacksondoesn’t feel the need to lock his front door.Althoughinstead of miles of empty road and green fields, there’s just a half a mile of curving driveway, locked gates, and a ton of security cameras betweenJackson’sfront door and anyone who wants to get in.

I’malmost past the living room by the timeIhearJackson’sfootsteps andOats’ nails on the tiles behind me.


“What?”Idemand, only half turning around.Ifeel ridiculous all dressed up in this fancy dress and not like myself.WhydidIlet someone else pick out my clothes?I’man adult, andIcan dress myself.Atleast whenIchoose my own clothes,Ifeel comfortable in them.Ifeel likeme.Rightnow,Ifeel likeI’mplaying dress-up in someone else’s life, and allIwant to do is get back to my own.

“Whereare you going?”

“NotthatIneed to report my every move to you, butIwas going to get changed into my pajamas and then drown myself in ice cream and rosé.”

Jacksonwalks across the hall to me. “WhatifIhad a better idea?”

“Idon’t thinkI’minterested in any more of your brilliant ideas tonight.IthinkI’veheard more than enough of them for one night, to be honest.”

“I’msorryIgot so jealous before.”

Forcingmyself to take a deep breath,Istare into his face.Heseems sincere, but he’s also a professional actor. “Thankyou for saying that.Butwhy did you?”

“HowcouldInot, with you looking as good as you look in that dress?Youlook beautiful tonight, baby.”

“Ican’t wait to get out of this dress.Ihate it!Changeof plans,I’mgoing to go take a bath and then drown myself in ice cream and rosé.Goodnight,Jackson.”There’sa massive soaker tub with jets in every single one of the seven bathrooms atJackson’shouse.Ican take my pick.

“Doyou want to hear my idea?”

“No,I’mnot sure thatIdo.Itwas mortifying being dragged out of there like that tonight.Youtalked about giving me orgasms in front of a complete stranger!Itwas embarrassing.I’mcringing just thinking about it.Ididn’t want to be there in the first place, but you made it a million times worse by being so ridiculously jealous.”

“Yeah,Idid.I’msorry.AndI’msorry that you weren’t having fun, but it was a work thing for me.IguessIshould have explained it better.Thesethings aren’t fun.”Jacksonruns the back of his knuckles down my bare arm. “Butyou know what could befun…?Howabout our big night startsnow, baby?”

“Butwe’re home now.It’stime for bed.”Apanicked thought occurs to me.Isthere more?Arewe expected to go somewhere else?Talkto more horrible people?Ihave no more polite smiles left to give tonight.Juttingmy chin out at him,Istand my ground. “I’mnot going anywhere else tonight.”

“Exactly.”Jacksongrins down at me.Somehow, he closed the distance between us, andIdidn’t even notice.Hepulls on my arm roughly, andItumble the two steps towards him.Hecatches me in his arms and presses his lips hard against mine.Hislips are wild and demanding, like always.Butmaybe a little extra wild tonight.

Ican barely remember a time whenIdidn’t know what it was like to be kissed byJacksonWaters.Andit’s only been less than forty-eight hours since he first kissed me on aFerriswheel.Jacksonbites my bottom lip, andIspread my lips open for him.Asmad asIstill am at him, hedidapologize.Andthere really is nothing like an orgasm to release stress.

Jacksonslides his tongue into my mouth, and swipes at mine.Thenhe pulls my tongue between his lips and sucks on it.

Mythighs clench together involuntarily.Iwant him so badly.Ialways want him.EvenwhenI’mpissed at him.Evenwhen he’s a jealous caveman.

“Idon’t think we’re going to make it to the bedroom.”Jacksonwhispers when he comes up for air.

Ashe unbuttons the black bowtie around his neck, he tugs me towards the oversized sectional sofa in the sunken living room.Theglass wall of windows shows the entire city stretched out in front of us in a tapestry of dotted light.

IexpectJacksonto shove me down onto the sofa and tell me what he wants me to do.Thisis perfect.Ican just lay back, relax, and let the orgasms clear my head.Myhead needs a good clearing right now.Orgasmsover baths every single day of the week, in my books.

ButJacksonsits down, legs spread wide.Thisman is the very definition of manspreading.Ifyou looked up manspreading in a dictionary, you’d see a picture ofJacksonWatersin this exact position.Onearm tossed over the back of the sofa as he undoes the buttons of his shirt with his other hand.Hislegs spread impossibly wide.

“Bemy good girl and make me come,”Jacksonsays in a harsh whisper.

“Tellme what you want.”

“Iwant to come.Useyour imagination.”