Henestles back into the sofa, watching me.

“Thisisnew.Idon’t know what to do,”Iwhisper.Somehow,Ifeel more vulnerable than whenI’mlying naked in front ofJacksonwith my legs spread wide to him.HowdoIfeel so completely exposed whenI’mstill fully dressed in this stupid gown?

“Whatdo you thinkIwant?”

“Youwant me to make you come.”

“Yes.Howdo you thinkIwant it?Youcould use your pretty hands, your pretty lips, your pretty pussy.Hell,I’dcome like a fucking rocket pressed between those pretty tits.”

Huh.Interesting.Veryinteresting.Ithink about my options.Theboob thing sounds kind of awkward, soIfile that away to try another time.Icould make him come with my hands, but in these loose sleeves,I’dbe all in my head about whether my arms were jiggling too much.So, that leaves my mouth and my pussy.Ialready know thatIwant both.


OnceImake the decision,Ifeel more confident.

“Tellme you want my lips on your cock,Jackson.”

Helooks up at me, surprised at my words.Thenhe grins.

“Iwant your lips around my cock,Selena.Ialways want your lips around my cock.EverytimeIlook at you.Everytime you open your mouth to take a drink or eat something.Everytime you speak,Ithink about your lips on my cock.”

Interesting.Theman must have exceptional hearing skills if half of his brain cells are wasted thinking about me sucking on his dick all the time.Healways makes me feel heard, no matter what.Evenwhen he’s being an irrationally jealous asshole.

ThenIhave an idea.Liamtold me about something once, andI’vealways wanted to try it.

“Beright back,”Iwhisper, asIhead towards the kitchen.

Jacksonlunges forward. “Wait, where are you going?”

“Nowhere.I’llbe right back.Promise,”Icall out over my shoulder asIwalk back to the kitchen.Inthe kitchen, the stress cupcakesIbaked earlier are still sitting under the beautiful jadeite glass cake stand thatJacksonbought for me inWesternSprings.Carefullypicking up the glass cloche,Iremove a cupcake, replace the cover, and head back to the living room.

“Areyou hungry?Shit?Ishould have thought to pick up food for you on the way home.Sorry,Iwas thinking with my dick.Iwanted you back here naked.”

“That’sokay.I’mnot hungry, exactly.I’vejust always wanted to try this.”

“Ifyou’re not hungry, what are you going to do with the cupcake?”

“I’mgoing to shove your cock into it and then eat my way to sucking you off.Doesthat sound okay?Itmight make a mess.Actually, now thatIthink about it.Allthis frosting and cake… is probably a bad idea.Idon’t have to.”

It’sa good thing my dress is dark purple.Atleast it won’t stain.NotthatI’mever wearing this nightmare-dress again.

“Thatis a fucking brilliant idea.Baby, you can make all the mess you want when you’re sucking my dick.”Jacksonlooks at me appraisingly. “MaybeIshould put you in charge more often?”

“Maybe.Butonly sometimes.Ilike the… usual way when you tell me what to do.Ilike being your good girl.”

“You’remy fucking best girl,Selena.”Jacksonleans back against the sofa and undoes his zipper.Hepulls his hard dick over the waistband of his black boxer briefs and runs his hand up and down the shaft. “Nowget on your knees and suck my dick.”

“Ididn’t bring you a cupcake.Didyou want one?”

“I’mokay.I’donly be licking it, thinking how it tastes almost as sweet as your pretty pink pussy.”Jacksonholds up his fingers in aVin front of his face and wiggles his tongue at me.

“Promises, promises,”Iwhisper with a breathless laugh.

“OnesI’mhappy to fulfill afterIcome in your mouth.”

Iguess it’s my turn now.It’sgo time.Restingmy free hand on his knee,Ibend down over him, my breath a whisper on his cock.ThenIkneel in front of him.

“Thoseearrings look good on you.Youshould keep them.”