Havefun, but not too much.Pretendto loveJackson.Butnot so much that people are going to dislike him for breaking my heart.Makeeveryone thinkI’min love withJackson, but don’t actually fall in love with him.Thereare so many rules, andInever seem to get any of them right.
Wedon’t really talk on the drive into the city.I’mspinning out.Andit doesn’t get any better whenIsee where we’re going.Whenwe get out of the car, there’s a literal red carpet on the sidewalk.It’slike something out of a movie.Pressare lined up on either side of a red velvet rope, and they photograph us as we walk the twenty feet inside.Thenwe pose for more photos against a backdrop of the studio’s logo.Thephotographers are all shouting atJackson, trying to get his attention.Idon’t know where to look or what to do with my hands.
Thevenue is massive.Concreteand glass.Andit’s full of fancy people in fancier clothes as far asIcan see.Serversare walking around with champagne and canapés.It’sjust all a lot.
Jacksonnever lets go of my hand, and that’s the only reasonI’mstill on my feet.Everyonehere knows who he is.Alleyes are on him.Andon me, the random woman tagging along after him who looks like she doesn’t belong.
Afteran hour of being ignored or being awkwardly introduced to the people who come up to talk toJacksonand then ignored,I’mabout ready to scream.
“Hi, you must beJackson’ssister,”ElishaBellsays, holding out her hand to me.
Automatically,Iextend my hand to shake hers.She’sso beautiful.She’seven more perfect in person.It’slike she’s a robot or something.Idon’t thinkI’veever been this close to someone this stunning.Herface, two feet from my face, looks like an airbrushed magazine cover.Idon’t see a single pore on her skin.Ora single hair, other than in her perfectly laminated eyebrows.
“Hi,I’mSelena, butI’mnot-”
“Haveyou been living under a rock?” another voice says. “She’shisgirlfriend.Youknow, the one from the elevator?”
Elisha’sperfect, not-a-single-hair-out-of-place eyebrows pull together, perplexed.
“Selena’smy girlfriend,”Jacksonadds. “Idon’t even have a sister.Ihave four brothers.”
Maybeit was an innocent mistake?OrmaybeElishaBelljust can’t fathom that someone beautiful enough to date her could date someone normal like me?
Shepresses her free hand flat againstJackson’schest, right in front of me. “Fourbrothers?Ididn’t know there were more of you!WherecanIfind them?”
Jacksonsteps back. “WesternSprings,Canada.I’msure they’d love to meet you.”
“Canada?” she asks with a grimace.
“It’sactually really beautiful.Likesomething out of a movie.”
Everypart ofWesternSpringsis charming, adorable, and full of life.Imight not be from there.Imight have only spent a few weeks there.Butno one is going to shit onWesternSpringsin front of me.
“Howquaint!”I’mnot sure if it’s her expression or the pitch to her voice that’s more condescending.ButIwant to slap both of them.
Jacksonleans towards me and says in a mock whisper. “Let’em thinkWesternSpringsis a shit hole.Keepit safe for the rest of us.”
Hesqueezes my hand. “Lookslike my girl needs another drink.Thanksfor having us.Lookingforward to working with all of you folks.”
Ishe amping up the country in his voice?I’venever heardJacksonsayyoufolksbefore.
“Elisha’sreally beautiful,”Iwhisper, needing to hearJacksonlie to me and tell me she’s not.
Aswe walk away from the group, they close ranks behind us, leaving no room for us to go back.Ormaybe just no room for me.Becauseeverywhere we walk, people step aside and make room forJacksonfreakingWaters.
* * *
CelebritEYES:Theinternet’s boyfriend is officially a superhero!Wecan’t wait to see him in skintight rubber…Youcan come to my rescue anytime,Jackson!
“Shebetter be.Thatface is going to be on movie posters next to mine for the next decade.”
Thatwasn’t a no, she isn’t.WhatdidIexpect him to say?ElishaBellis drop dead gorgeous.There’sno point in denying it.AndJackson’sgoing to spend the next ten years of his life with her, apparently.InAustralia, an entire world away.
“Doesshe have a big role?”Iask, hoping rather than believing he might say no.