
“Selena, how are you?”Valasks on her way back from the bathroom.

Alan,Val, andJacksonhave been holed up inJackson’soffice for the past two hours.Icame home from the bakery early to get ready for the big casting announcement, andIhaven’t seen anyone other thanOats.Mystomach is a pit of nerves, andIfeel likeI’mabout to throw up.Idon’t know how any of this works, andIdon’t haveJacksonto hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be okay.

“I’mgood, thanks.It’sso great aboutJacksongetting the role.He’sgoing to make a great superhero.”

“Selena, thanks so much for doing this.Youreally made all the difference.Thepress are eating this relationship up!”

“Oh, that’s great.I’mglad.”Ican’t muster up any energy to sound excited about how the press is reacting toJacksonpretendingto love me.

“Thishas been so great forJackson.Thenew face of a franchise.He’strending.Thecalls for paid sponsorships are out of control.Youmust be his lucky charm.”

Shakingmy head,Ican’t meet her eyes.I’mnotJackson’sanything.Excepthis fake girlfriend.Fakebeing the most important word.

“Hedid it all himself.”

“Everyoneabsolutely loved how you went back home to meet his family.Allthose shots of you walking around the carnival inNowheresville,Canadawere fantastic!Comeon.Allthat country charm?Icouldn’t have planned the photo op better myself.Thetwo of you on thatFerriswheel just looked adorable!Eventhose leaked videos from the bar ofJacksdefending you that went viral worked.Helooked like the superhero he’s about to be.Iknow this all helped him get the franchise.”

“Thanks?”Imumble.Whatelse is there to say?Thatit wasn’t a photo op?ThatJacksonreally did defend me against an asshole in a bar?Thatnone of it was fake for me.ThatIloved being inJackson’shometown, meeting his family and seeing where he grew up.Thatafter thatFerriswheel ride,Jacksonbrought me home and licked my pussy and called me his good girl?Nope,Ireally can’t say any of that toVal.

“Ibetter get back.ButJacksonasked for me to arrange hair and makeup for tonight.Andyour dress should be here in about an hour.Havefun tonight!Anddon’t worry, this will all be over soon!”

That’sexactly whatI’mworried about.Howsoon this is all going to be over.

* * *

“Youlook beautiful,”Jackson’svoice has me turning around from whereI’mstaring at myself in the mirror.

Idon’t know who picked out the dress, but they did an excellent job.It’ssuch a deep purple that it almost looks black, but when the light hits it, it shines purple.Theslippery satin fabric falls in a deepV-neckline over my breasts, and then gathers underneath them.Thenit hangs all the way to the floor.Butinstead of looking dowdy, it has a slit halfway up my thigh to make it a bit scandalous.Andeasier to walk in.Littleloose sleeves hang halfway down my upper arm, but barely touch my shoulders.Thisdress is only strapless-bra friendly.

Ifeel beautiful and sexy.ButIdon’t feel likeme.Thedress gives femme fatale vibes, and that’s just not me.

“Thanks, butIfeel likeI’min aHalloweencostume or something.”Pushingmy hair behind my ear,Ireturn to staring at myself in the mirror.

Thestylist curled, teased, and hair-sprayed my hair within an inch of its life to get it to fall in what look like a ridiculous amount of volume and loose effortless waves down my back.Onlythe stylist andIknow exactly how much work went into this hair.

“Onlyif you’re dressed up as the most beautiful womanI’veever seen.”

Rollingmy eyes,Ishake my head. “Stop.”

“Noway.Youlook beautiful.Almosttoo beautiful to leave this house, actually.”

Jacksonwalks up behind me and kisses my bare shoulder.

“Asmuch asI’drather stay here at home with you, you can’t miss an event announcing that you got the job you’ve wanted since forever,”Iinsist.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,”Jacksonmutters, his breath warm in my ear. “Whydoes she have to be prettyandsmart?”

“Justlucky,Iguess,”Itell him with a smile, hoping it doesn’t show the nerves eating me up inside.It’sone thing pretending to beJackson’sgirlfriend inWesternSpringswith his family or when we’re here at the house or even the photo ops we did in the beginning.Thatwas still justus.Itfelt natural.Butit’s completely different whenIhave to pretendJacksonloves me in front of a million celebrities and reporters.AndIactually have to talk to other people.SmilewhenI’msupposed to.LaughwhenI’msupposed to.

“Youready to go?Youcouldn’t look any more beautiful if you tried.”Jacksonholds out his hand to me and leads me to the garage.

“We’renot taking a limo or something?”

Jacksonfrowns. “Didyou want to?Ifigured it was easier to just drive us myself.Inever drink at these things.It’snot a party for me.It’swork.Youshould try to have some fun.Butnot too much fun.”

Whenhe opens the door to theSuburban,Istep into the seat and let out the breathI’vebeen holding onto.