“What’sthat noise?”

“Nothing.There’sno noise.Whatnoise?”Shelooks around her like she’s hunting for a phantom noise.Thenoise that’s coming from her bed.

“There’sa definite… buzzing… coming from in here.”Itilt my head, listening carefully to identify the sound.It’sstill quiet, soIstep forward into the room.

“Idon’t think so.”Herface is noticeably red.She’sblushing.Andsomething is going on under those covers.Herface and shoulders are completely still, but the covers lower on her body keep jumping around like she’s got a frog under there with her.Bothof her hands are under the blankets, and in my experience, that can only mean one thing.Whatevershe’s doing, she reminds me of a pretty little duck.Completelyserene above the surface, and her legs frantically paddling underneath.

IfIwere a better man,I’dprobably leave her be.Notembarrass her.Butthe more she tries to hide whatever she’s doing under there, the more determinedIam to see it.

Takinga few more steps towards her,Itilt my head again.Thebuzzing is getting louder.Shehas to know thatIcan hear whatever she’s got going on under there, right?AndthatI’mnot letting this go untilIfind outexactlywhat she’s up to.

“I’mpretty sureIhear something buzzing.Isthere maybe a wasp nest in the wall, do you think?”

“Yes.Yes!I’msure that’s it.Youshould probably go… call… an exterminator.”Shenods towards the door, both hands still under the blanket.

“Huh.NowthatIthink about it.Wehad a few wasps’ nests in the barn at the farm over the years.Theydidn’t sound quite like this.”



Ismile. “Didyou want some help with that?”

“Oh, ummm.Idon’t know.LikeIsaid,I’mpretty tired.”Shemusters a pathetically fake yawn.

“Funny.Youdon’t look tired.Youlook bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.Brightshiny eyes.Redcheeks.IfIdidn’t know better,I’dalmost say that you look like you do when…”


“Iwasn’t going to saytired.”


“No.Iwas going to sayfucked.Youlook like you do whenI’mfuckingyou.Butthat can’t be right becauseIwas out there in the pool.AndIknow you wouldn’t be in here trying to get off all by yourself whenIwas only just outside.”

Iadvance the last few steps untilI’mat the side of her bed.Whythe hell is she in her bed in the guest room, anyway?Sheshould be inmybed.Andshe damn sure should have told me if she wanted to get off.I’mmore than happy to get her off any time.Andselfishly,Ineed another taste after last night.Theway she’s been acting today had me wondering ifIimagined the whole thing between us.ButI’mnot that creative.Theway she fucked me last night.Inever could have imagined that.

“Jackson, no.Don’t!”

Idon’t listen.Ineed to know what she’s hiding from me.Inone quick motion,Iwhip the cloud-white duvet back and toss it messily at the foot of the bed.AndthenIrake my eyes over her, from her pointed toes, up along the tight line of her calves, to where her hands press against her thighs.Ican’t miss out on an opportunity to look at her bare breasts, and watch her lick her lips, but before long, my eyes are back on her hands.

She’snaked.Thathas to mean something, right?Evenif she didn’t find her way into my bed tonight, she got into her own bed naked and with something buzzing to keep her company.Ishould be fucking keeping her company.Ishould be fucking her.

“Andwhat have you got there?”


Ikneel on the edge of the bed.Myweight presses into the mattress, tilting her towards me.ThenIslide my hand under her hands and tug out what she’s hiding.

It’sblack and gold, made of soft matte silicone.

“Whatdoes this little thing do?”WhenIpress the pad of my index finger against the little oval ring at the top, it sucks onto my fingertip like a fucking vacuum. “Ican see why you like this.”

Shecan’t meet my eyes.

“Doyou want to get off,Selena?”
