“Doyou want me to get you off?”

Athousand thoughts fly across her face.Ifshe has to think this hard about fucking me,Imust be doing something wrong.Becauseit’s a no-brainer for me.I’mdying to get back between her thighs.

Aftera long minute, she nods. “Yes.”


Throwingmy knee over her,Imove to straddle her.Mytowel spreads apart, soIrip it off and toss it on the floor.Mydick’s already getting hard, even thoughIjust finished jerking off.IwantSelenato see this hard dick.Seehow fucking rock hard she makes me.

ThenIlean forward and press the suction bud against her left nipple.

“Oh, my god.”

“Feelsgood, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, oh my fucking… yes.”

Igrin, and thenIpress it harder into her.Thesuction bites greedily at her flesh.Herskin clenches and puckers, andIcan’t take my eyes off of it.Thisthing must be doing something right, because her hips are trying to grind against me.Butmy thighs are pinning her down and there’s nothing for her to grind against.Mydick is pressing into her stomach, safely out of reach of her greedy, wet pussy.Andas much as my body is screaming at me to shove my dick deep inside her,Iwant to play with her first.

Iabsentmindedly start massaging her other nipple asIpress the suction hard into her.

“Doesthis thing leave a bruise?”

“Idon’t know.I’venever…Idon’t know.”

“Let’sfind out.”

“Ohmy god,Jackson.”Hervoice is ragged.Herhips snap together and shove up towards me, trying to find some release.

“No.”Withone word,Ishove my knee between hers and hold her thighs apart.

Shelooks gloriously pissed. “Ineed more.Ineed it on my clit.Please,Jackson.”

“Notyet.”Liftingthe suction toy up,Ipress it down on her other nipple.ThenItake her left nipple between my teeth.Irake the tortured flesh roughly before sweeping up her nipple and as much of her areola asIcan fit into his mouth.Ilick and suck, giving her little toy a run for its money.She’sabout to fucking riot, if the wild bucking of her hips is telling me anything.Thatlittle toy may have suction going for it, butI’vegot a warm, wet tongue motivated to make her wild.Herwhole body is pulsing below me, rocking to find release.AndIhaven’t even touched her clit yet.

Irepeat the same torture on her right nipple, pressing the suction toy into her flesh untilIdon’t think she can take any more of it.I’mnot sure ifI’mgoing to be pleased or pissed if she ends up with bruises tomorrow.

“Jackson, please.Makeme come.Idon’t care how you do it.Justlet me come.”

“Baby, all you ever have to do is ask.”

Itear the suction toy off of her nipple and then swipe my tongue in a wet trail across it, tasting the silicone and her skin.

“You’regoing to come in a heartbeat ifIput this thing on your clit, aren’t you?”Imurmur, my breath whispering over her slick skin.

“Yes, please.Makeme come.Putit on my clit.Suckon my clit.”

“Notso fast.Goodthings come to those who wait,”Ipromise her with a huge smile.Playingwith her like this is so fucking hot.

Ipress the toy into her mouth, andIfeel her tongue dart out to feel the bite of its suction.ThenIdrag it down her body, between her beautiful breasts, circling her belly button, over the soft curve of her belly.Butinstead of pressing the sweet suction right onto her clit,Itake my time, lazily tracing it up one thigh and then down the other.WhenIfinally press it into her, it’s too low.Onpurpose.Iknow exactly where her clit is after last night.Selenagrinds against my hand, trying to move the toy up.Herwhole body is writhing.It’simpossible for her to stay still.Myknee is still between her thighs, pushing them apart.ButIdon’t want to take any chances.Ipress my other leg in and then spread my thighs, forcing hers even farther apart.

Sheopens her eyes to glare up at me.ThenIslide the tip of the suction toy up, up.Whenshe shudders, andIknow it’s found her clit,Itug it away.

“Please,Iwant it.Iwant all of it.Letme come.Jackson, please let me come.”

Ipress the suction toy back into her, finding her clit again.Idrag it away one more time before pressing it into her for good.Tenfull seconds of pressure, and she goes off.Herbody dances under mine as she desperately tries to fuck the little black toy in my hand.Herwhole body clenches and contracts.Ikeep the pressure on so the pleasure can keep coming.Iwant this to last for as long as it can for her.Notfor the first time in twenty-four hours,I’mfucking blinded by how pretty she is when she comes.Andshe keeps coming for me.Againand again and again.Whenher body finally stills,Ipull the suction toy away.

Whenshe opens her eyes,I’mstill fumbling with it, trying to turn it off.