“Baby, you’re killing me,”Jacksongrunts against my neck. “Canwe?” he asks, pressing his hard cock into the flesh of my butt cheek.

“Yes, we can…”Iwhisper back, a smile on my face.

“Thankfucking god,”Jacksonwhispers against my neck. “Butbaby, you’re gonna need to be quiet.”

“Baby,you’regonna need to be quiet,”Iwarn him right back.

Hebites my neck softly. “Ithink you’re the one we need to worry about here.”

“Iguess we’ll see about that, won’t weNugget? ”

“Iguess we will,”Jacksonmumbles, kissing my neck.

Hemoves the arm under me enough that he can tease my breast, and then he slides his left hand down, down, under the waistband of my silk shorts.Heslips his middle finger and index finger inside me, swiping them up my seam until he reaches my clit.Andthen he starts a slow, methodical rubbing.Nothingabout what he’s doing feels rushed.Jacksonis taking his sweet damn time driving me crazy.

Itfeels so good thatIwriggle my ass against him on purpose this time, just to mess with him.Iwant him to feel how goodIfeel right now, even a fraction of how goodIfeel.

“You’reso fucking wet for me, baby,”Jacksonwhispers.

Thenhe slides his fingers back and presses them deep inside me.Hepresses them in a circle, testing how tightIam.Thenhe curls them towards my front wall and presses.Thepalm of his hand rubs the lips over my clit, grinding into me.

“Jack-son!”Ialmost cry out, before toning it down to a very loud whisper.

“Quiet, baby,” he makes atsk-tsksound against the side of my neck before licking from there to my ear.Hishot breath is on my ear as he sucks my lobe, gold hoop and all, into his mouth.

“Nothelping…”Iwhisper, my voice ragged.

“Youready for my hard dick to stretch you out?”Hewhispers, letting go of my ear.

Inod, trying to be quiet.

Jacksonleans back, and suddenly whereIwas surrounded by a wall of warmth, there’s only emptiness.Ihear the ripping of foil, andJackson’shard steady breathing.Thenhe’s pressed up against me again.Hishand presses inside the silky fabric of my shorts, pulling them down.

“Liftup for me,” he whispers in my ear.

Ido asI’mtold, and lift my hips just enough so that he can pull my shorts down.Hedoesn’t bother pushing them past my knees, leaving me tied up in the silky fabric.

Jacksonlifts my leg up, bending my knee and pushing it forward to make room.Heslides his thigh up under mine, and then he’s pressing into me.

“Don’tworry, baby,I’llgo slow.”Hiswhisper is husky as he presses into me inch by delicious inch.

Hishands keep working my body, making it hum.Onehand on my nipple, and the other on my clit.

Deeperand deeper, he inches into me.Goingexactly as slow asIneed him to so my body can stretch and make room to take all of him.

“You’retaking my cock so fucking good, baby,”Jacksonwhispers in my ear. “Takeevery inch of me, baby.Wrapyour sweet pussy around every fucking inch.Sucha good fucking girl.”

Ican feel myself get even wetter at his words.

Whenhe’s all the way in, he stays there, not moving.

ButIneed more.Ineed him to move, soIgrind my ass into him.Thenhe rocks in and out of me.Slow, grinding strokes.It’storture.Beautiful, sweet, torture.I’malways on the edge of something, but never actually find it.

“Readyto come for me, baby?”Jacksonwhispers into my ear.

“Yes, please.Makeme come,”Ibeg.

Jacksonspeeds up the rhythm of his strokes, pulling farther out of me as he revs up the strokes on my clit, pressing harder, pinching my nipples even more.Itry to block out the squeakingIknowI’mhearing from the old box spring.Itdoesn’t take long beforeI’mon the edge and falling into the abyss.Mybody jerks against his as waves of pleasure pound through me.Mybody clenches around him, pulling him into me even farther, taking up room where there wasn’t any to begin with.