“Everyone’sasleep, right?Yourdad?Caroline?”Iask, biting my lip.

“Yeah.Everyone’sout for the night.She’sin the living room, so we should probably be quiet, though.”

“Good.Becausehaving sex next to his barn probably won’t do wonders for my first impression on your dad.”

Jacksongrins. “Oh,Idon’t know about that.Anythingthat makes one of his boys this happy is probably fine by him.Andthis made me pretty damn happy.Wecan always ask him tomorrow morning.”

Stoppingin my tracks,Ipress my palm flat against his bare chest. “JacksonWaters,Iforbid you from telling your dad about this!Iwould literally die of embarrassment.Promiseme you won’t tell anyone we had sex next to a barn!”

“Fine,” he grumbles. “Idon’t want you to die of embarrassment, butIdo like it when your cheeks go red like this.”Jacksonruns his knuckles across my flaming cheeks and then leads me back inside.

Wecreep over the creaking floorboards onto the back porch and through the kitchen, whereJacksongets us each a glass of water.Thenwe carefully step up the creaking stairs toJackson’sroom.

Thisisn’t my first night sharing a room withJackson.It’snot even my first night sharing a bed with him.Butthe last few days feel like a million years ago.Theywere beforeJacksonkissed me.Theywere before he made me come with his head between my thighs.Theywere before…everything.

“I’mgoing to go… to the bathroom… and put my pajamas on,”Imumble as soon as the door toJackson’sroom closes behind us.

“Fine, butIdon’t see much point in you putting on pajamas just soIcan take them off you again.Actually, go ahead, so long as it’s those silky purple things.Beendying to get those off of you since we got here.”

“Youhave?”Ihate the hesitation in my voice.Butdespite what just happened between us, a big part of me can’t wrap my mind around the fact thatJacksonthought about being with me before tonight.Thathe wanted me like this.

“Nonstopsince the first night we got here.”

Grabbingmy makeup bag and pajamas,Irush out the door to the main bathroom down the hall thatJacksonand his brothers all shared growing up.Thesame one we’ve been sharing for weeks now, even before we were sharing a bedroom.Anda bed.Iquickly wash my face, brush my teeth, pee, and then change into my pajamas.

WhenIget back to the bedroom,Jacksonis waiting for me.Ican tell from the bulge in his jeans that he’s still hard.

“I’llbe right back,” he tells me before heading out to use the bathroom himself.

Idon’t know whyIfeel so awkward, butIdo.It’slike the world shifted on its axis the minuteJacksonandIgot naked, and nowIcan’t find my balance.

Afterquickly shoving my dress and cosmetic bag into my suitcase,Iturn out the light and jump into bed.Ilay down on my side at the very edge of the double bed, pulling the covers up to my neck.Idon’t know where we stand now or how the hay baleincidentchanged things, butIfeel likeI’min limbo.Arewe back to the terms of the contract now?Arewe somewhere else?Idon’t know howI’msupposed to act.Iknow whatI’msupposed to do asJackson’sfake girlfriend.Butnot as this, sort of fake, but also just had sex with him, and now have to sleep together in the same bed situation.



WhenIhear the door open slowly and thenJackson’sheavy footsteps,Idon’t look up.I’mnot exactly pretendingI’msleeping, butI’malso notnotpretendingI’msleeping.I’mleaving it up toJacksonto decide what happens next.

Aftersome shuffling sounds,Ifeel his heavy weight sink into the mattress, and thenIfeel his arms reach out for me. “Whatthe hell are you doing all the way over there?”

Hewraps one arm around my waist on top of me and one underneath me and drags me across the mattress to meet him in the middle of the bed.Mybody wriggles away from his hands on my soft stomach, and my bum presses up against something hard.Myhips wriggle again, andIpress my ass into his hard cock.Iswear, it’s an involuntary reaction thatI’mnot at all responsible for.

“Baby, you keep that up, andI’mgoing to find somewhere to put this thing,”Jacksonwarns.

Jackson’sarm slides down over the soft curve of my tummy, andIflinch away from him again.Inever let anyone touch my soft stomach.Butmy movement only pushes my butt harder into his dick.

“Baby,” he warns me again, his tone gruff.

Hishand slides over the waistband of my shorts and then up over my stomach to my silky tank top.Hegrunts in what sounds like disapproval, and then he pulls the silky fabric up over my breasts.Thenhe starts absentmindedly massaging one breast, his forearm pressing hard against the other.

“Better,” he whispers against my neck before kissing it.

“Ithought we were going to sleep,”Iwhisper back in the darkness.

“Isaid we were going tobed…”Jacksonwhispers as he kisses my neck. “Areyou sore from before?”

Iwriggle my hips again to assess the situation between my legs. “Nope.I’mgood.”