“So…”Ireply easily.
IfIthoughtI’dexperienced awkward before in my life,Iwas wrong.Notuntil the moment thatIwas completely naked, outside, at night, on a bale of hay, sweaty and panting, with my legs tossed over a nakedJacksonWatersdidIknow what the word awkward truly meant.
Thesex was… the orgasms… his tongue… his hands… his dick…
Ihave no words.Icould type on a keyboard for a thousand years and still never come up with anything to accurately describe whatIjust experienced.WhatItoldLilywhen we were leaving the airport on our first day here,Imeant it.Inmy experience, the hotter the guy, the less effort they seem to think they have to put into sex.So,I’mmore than a little happily surprised that a man as hot asJackson—a literal movie star—really put the work in.Heput inallthe work.Mybody is still humming from all the work he put into it.Jacksonfollowed through on every one of my lies toLily.Andmore.
Iknew whatJacksonWaterslooked like.Theface.Theabs.I’veseen him working out at his house back inL.A.I’veseen him coming and going from the pool after swimming laps.Ieven saw him without a shirt while he went down on me and licked and sucked the biggest orgasm of my life right out of me.
Butnothing could have prepared me for a completely naked and hardJacksonWatersunderneath me.He’sincredible.He’sthe sexiest manI’veever seen in real lifeoron a movie screen.Thelittle stretch marks on his arms only make him seem human and less like a perfect statue.Beforetonight,Iknew his pecs were perfect.Iknew about his eight-pack.Ieven knew about the hardVof muscle leading below his pants.ButwhatIdidn’t know about was the sprinkling of dark hair at the bottom of thatV.AndIdefinitely didn’t know about the massive dick waiting for me at the end of that treasure trail like a pot of gold.Ormaybe a gold bar?Becauseholy shit.He’senormous.Bigand thick.Ithink it’s the thickness that has my heart pounding.He’sbig in length, but not like concerningly big.Justproportional.He’sa tall guy.Buthis girth.Oh, my god.Theman filled me up and then some.
NowI’mnaked and just sort of lying across him.Jackson’ssoft dick is lightly touching my left leg.AmIsupposed to get up off of him?Ican guarantee that from this half-laying down position on a bale of hay that wouldn’t look like anything remotely graceful.Dowe stay here like this?I’msureIwould have numb legs and a backache ifIspent the night like this.Andwhat if someone saw us?Arewe going to go inside?Tooursharedbed?Arewe supposed to talk?WhatcouldIpossibly say after what we just did?
“Iforgot something.”
Iglance around us at the bales of hay beneath us down to the dirt ground where our clothes are lying, haphazardly discarded.
“You’renot going to find it down there.”
“Whatdid you forget, then?”
“Youwere a naughty girl tonight at the carnival.”
Ilet out a nervous giggle. “Atthe moment,Ifeel very naughty.Whatexactlyare you talking about?”
“Youtried to dance with another man tonight.”
Myeyes snap to his. “And?”
“Andthat kind of behavior needs to be punished.”
“Areyou sorry?”
Shrugging,Iknow thatI’mnot sorry.I’venever lied toJackson, andI’mnot about to start now.
Jacksongrabs me by the hips and flips me onto my stomach, so that my pussy is right next to his dick, and my ass is over his knee.Icross my arms to keep my head up off of the blanket and hay inches away.
“Whatare you doing?”Iask, a little nervous and a little excited.
Jacksonruns his hand over the soft curve of my ass.Sofar, this doesn’t feel like punishment.Thenhe lifts his hand up, andIturn to look at him.BeforeIcan speak again, he lays his hand back down against my ass, hard.
JacksonfreakingWatersjust spanked me!
Theforce shoves my pussy down against his no longer entirely soft cock.Mybreasts press hard against the blanket.Mynipples are hard little peaks.