“Jackson!”Hisname is an outraged cry on my lips.OnlyIdon’t know what to say next.Theman just spanked me.I’mpretty sure thatI’msupposed to be pissed about that… butI’mnot sure ifIam?

“Yeah, baby?”

“Ican’t believe you just did that!”

“Believeit.”Herubs his hand over my ass, but doesn’t spank me again.Andhe is definitely getting harder by the second.Iwriggle my hips against his cock as it presses into me.

“Areyou… getting hard again?”

“Yeah, baby.Thatwas hot as fuck.”Jacksonrolls his hips into me.

“Youlikedthat?”Iask, pushing up on my arms and half turning to stare into his face.

Jacksongrins back at me.Heruns the back of his hand over first one nipple and then the other. “Lookslike you did, too.”

Iglance down and see the evidence in my own nipples.They’rehard enough to cut glass.

“Wantme to do it again so you can be sure?”

“No, thanks.I’lltake a rain check on that.”Arain check untilIfigure out what the hell is going on here.Ishouldn’t like this.Ican’t like being tossed over a man’s lap and spanked.That’sjust so… wrong.Right?

“Youjust let me know when you’re ready for another spanking.Ilive to serve.”Jacksonslides his hand between us and presses inside me. “You’reso fucking wet, baby.Guessyou liked that alot.”

Whyis my body betraying me like this? “MaybeI’llgo find that tall, handsome cowboy from the carnival and let him spank me?”Isay with a grin, taunting him.

“Testme,Selena.Justtest me.”Hetugs me against him. “You’remine.”



Hedoesn’t know what he’s saying.

I’mfake-his for the next three weeks.

Jacksonruns his hand over his dark beard, thoughtfully.

“Actually, maybe you should test me.Becausethe next timeIspank you, it’s going to be in front of a mirror, soIcan see those big tits shaking back and forth whenIdo it.”

“Oh.”Mylips form a silentO.IthinkJacksonreally does have a future as a director because the way he sets a scene is very… vivid.

“Justsomething to keep in mind, baby.”Jacksongrins at me. “Nowlet’s go to bed.”

Holdingme around the waist, he pushes me to stand up between his spread legs.

“You’rehard.”Istate it simply, like the fact it is, all the while staring at his perfect, thick, enormous cock.

Heglances down at his dick and winces. “Yeah, with you standing there naked right in front of me,Idon’t think there’s muchIcan do about that.It’llgo down after a while.Probably.”

WhenIshiver at the thought ofJacksonbeing hard because little old me is here naked in front of him, his brows draw together. “Shit,Ishouldn’t have kept you out here like this in the cold.Let’sget you inside.”

Takingmy hand, he leads me down the bales of hay and then holds out my dress for me to step into.Idon’t bother zipping it up becauseI’mgoing to be changing into my pajamas as soon as we’re inside.Thenhe drapes my jean jacket over my shoulders again.

Jacksonbends over and picks up his jeans.Heshoves his legs in and then pulls them up to his waist, not bothering to do them up.Heshoves his feet into his boots and then reaches for the random other clothes we discarded earlier.Mybra and panties.Hissocks.Hisshirt.Theblanket.Thecondom and wrapper.Idon’t miss it whenJacksonshoves my panties into the back pocket of his jeans like a mechanic’s rag.

“Planningon holding on to those?”Iask, eyes wide.

“Ibought them.Sothey’re mine,” he says, grinning down at me as he wraps his arm over my shoulders and pushes me toward the house. “Let’sgo, baby.”