“Climbon my dick, baby,”Itell her, my own lips spreading into a grin.

Sheplaces her hands on my shoulders and pulls up first one knee and then the other onto the big hay bales, straddling me.Mydick is pressing against her soft belly again.Hershiny white cowboy boots are dangling over the bale of hay past my knees, satisfying every fantasy my country-boy heart ever dreamed up.

Raisingan eyebrow at her,Ichallenge her to finish this.Sherises onto her knees, her thick thighs wrapped around mine.Takingone hand from my shoulder, she drags it down my chest to take hold of my cock.She’slooking down, focused on what she’s doing, like when she’s icing a cake.Icing.I’dlike to lick icing off of every inch of her.Nexttime,Ithink greedily.

Selenasurprises me by grabbing my dick and pressing it into the top of her pussy.Whatthe hell is she up to?

Whenshe moans,Iknow exactly what she’s up to.Selenagroans and gyrates her hips as she masturbates with the head of my fucking dick, using it as a dildo or vibrator, rubbing it over her clit.Fuckme.

She’sclose,Ican tell.Afew more strokes, and…Selenacollapses over me, jerking against my dick as she comes again.She’sso pretty when she comes.Hercheeks are flushed and her lips are wet from her licking them.Thenshe slowly drags my dick down through her folds and positions me at her entrance.

“Fuckingfinally,”Imutter, not thatIwould trade five million dollars for experiencingSelenausing my dick as her own personal sex toy.

Selenarocks her hips and lowers herself to take me in.Shelets out a sharp exhale of breath.

“Slow, baby.Slow,”Iwhisper. “Yourpussy’s ready for me.Letit do its job.Stretchand take me.Takeevery fucking inch.”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she mutters, ignoring me.Selenaappears to be communing with her pussy and my dick at the moment.I’mnot sure she needs me to be here.

Imove my hands to her hips to support her, butIdon’t press her down or try to speed things up.Ihave a big dick.Thisisn’t the first time it’s been a problem.AndSelena’sbarely over five feet tall.I’mmore than a foot taller than her.ButifIcan’t fuckSelenatonight…shit.Blueballs doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Selenamoans again and then presses down another couple of inches.Shetakes a few deep breaths and then rocks her hips, taking another inch.Andanother.Andanother.Andanother.She’sbreathing hard.Finally,I’mall the way in.AndifI’vedied and gone to heaven,I’mgood with it.She’sso hot and so tight.Condomor no condom,Ican feel her pussy grabbing at every inch of my dick.

“Baby,IthinkI’mgoing to go crazy ifIdon’t start moving.ButIdon’t want to hurt you.Areyou okay?Youdid such a good job taking every fucking inch of my dick, baby.Sucha good fucking girl.”

Andthat’s whenIknow it’s fucking over for me.Selenagrins down at me and nods, the moonlight making her dark hair shine and her skin fucking glow.Shelooks likeVenus.Shelooks like a fucking sex goddess.Grinningat me while taking my cock.

Shelooks like she’s mine.

“Youready, baby?”Ihave to know that she’s ready for me.Ican’t hurt her.Iwon’t. “Sayit, baby.Tellme you’re ready to fucking ride this hard cock.”

Shenods again, still smiling down at me. “I’mready,Jackson.”

Togetherwe move.Shepresses up on her knees, andIguide her with my hands tightly holding onto her hips, steadying her and supporting her.Andwhen she comes back down, my hips rise to meet her, shoving every inch of my hard cock inside her again.Holyfuck, she feels good.Wemove like this, again and again.Slowand steady torture.


“Yeah, baby.I’vegot you.I’llgive you whatever you need.Youjust keep taking that dick like you are, andI’llgive you everything,”Imutter.I’mout of my mind.Theonly one doing any thinking here is my dick.Andhe has a one-track, one-pussy mind.

Insteadof guidingSelenagently up and down,Ipress harder to push her up and pull her harder back down, increasing our rhythm.Everytime she rises up and then slams back down on my cock, her tits bounce in my face.Hersoft tummy and arms dance, tempting me.Givingme filthy ideas.Iwant to come on every single inch of her.ButwhatIcan’t look away from is seeing my cock disappear into her pussy.Inand out.Wetand messy, my cock sinks into her dripping wet pussy.Herthick thighs, wrapped around mine, are tensed from effort but still manage to jiggle for me with every stroke.Strongand soft.Ican’t fucking get enough.Leaningforward,Ilick the bead of sweat dripping between her breasts.Ittastes salty, and it tastes likeSelena.

“It’stime to come for me, baby,”Iwhisper when knowIcan’t take any more of this.

Selenanods and starts moving her hand from my shoulder towards her pussy.Igrab it and put it back on my shoulder.ThenIslide my hand across the curve of her tummy, spanning from her hip to her pussy.Islip my thumb between her lips, knowing exactly where to find her clit, an expert now at her body, an expert at making my woman come for me.

Irub the wide pad of my thumb over her clit.Icircle it, and then swipe it again and again, untilIfeel her pussy clench around me.Herwhole body tenses and then crumples over my shoulder as she pulses with pleasure again and again.Icouldn’t hold back if my life depended on it.So,I’mglad it doesn’t.Becausethere’s no way thatI’mnot getting insideSelena’shot little pussy again.Shejerks around me right asIthrust in one last time, andIexplode inside her.Ishoot my seed into the tip of the condom, wondering how it can possibly take the load.

Theorgasm takes total control of me.Ijerk and buck into her, andSelenarides me wildly asIrock and plunge into her.Whatwas that she said about saving horses?Ihave to remember to ask her about that again.

Iwrap my arms around her so she doesn’t lose her balance, as our bodies jerk together again and again before finally stilling.

We’rea fucking mess.Selenasweaty and limp over my shoulder, her soft breasts pressed against my chest.Hersoft everything draped over me.Mycock twitches one last time, andIknowI’mdone.

IliftSelenaoff of me and put her down on the blanket next to me, her legs draped over mine.Shewatches asIcarefully pull off the condom, knot it, and toss it onto the ground below the bales of hay.

WhenIturn to look at her, she’s staring at me.

“So…” she whispers.