“Don’tworry,Ilike it.”Ilike it a lot.Mydick tugs against her stomach, and we both feel it.

Ineed to be inside her sooner rather than later.

Lookingdown at the blanket,Isee a wet spot whereSelenacame.WhereImade her come.Thisold blanket is about to get a whole lot wetter.

TakingSelena’sspot on the hay bales, my dick jutting out hard as a rock and pointing straight at the stars.Itoss the condoms down onto the blanket next to me.

“Thinkyou brought enough condoms?”Selenaasks with a smile.

“Guesswe’re going to find out.”Ihold out my hand for her to climb up onto my lap. “Comehere, baby.You’regoing to ride my dick.”

“Oh… ummm… are you sure?”She’sbiting her lip again.She’sworried about something, but all that biting her lip makes me want to do is shove something into her mouth to distract her.She’scrossing her legs like she’s trying to hide her pussy from me, or to look smaller or something.I’mnot interested in either since she’s the perfect size, andIjust had my whole face up in her pussy.AndIcan’t wait to get back there again.

“Yeah,I’mpretty sure about everything at the moment.Comehere.”Ipat the top of my thighs with one hand and hold out the other one to her again.

“It’sjust that…”


“Objectsmight shift in flight…”


Sheholds her hands out and waves them back and forth in front of her.Themovement makes her boobs jiggle, and her arms and tummy dance a little. “Allthis.Allthis is going to…move.Whydon’tIjust lie down or something?”

“Baby, if all that isn’t moving, thenI’mdoing something wrong.”Igrin at her. “Andif you’re not over here in ten seconds,I’mgoing to have to give you give you that spanking.”

“Youwouldn’t.”Sheeyes me warily, butIthink there’s some excitement in there, too.Shedoesn’t actually want me to spank her?Doesshe?Shit,Ithink she does.Fuckme.

“Tryme.”Ishrug, still holding my hand out to her.Myarm’s going numb at this point.

Shebites her lip one last time and then flashes her pretty hazel eyes at me. “Fine.You’regetting exactly what you asked for, so you don’t get to complain about it.Savea horse, right?”

“Savea what?”


Selenatakes my hand and steps between my spread legs until she’s standing right in front of me.Herbig tits are too tempting at this height, soIlean forward and grab one in my teeth.Idrag my teeth down her breast untilIhave the tip of her nipple caught.Ipress down, biting it, untilIhear her sharp intake of breath.ThenIwrap my lips over her whole nipple and suck hard.Onehand finds its way to her other nipple, and one hand slides over the curve of her hip to slip inside her pussy.Good.She’sstill hot and wet for me.JusthowIneed her.

Mythumb finds her clit andIslip two fingers inside her tight pussy, testing her size.She’stight.Butshe’s warmed up and ready for me.Sofucking hot.Andso fucking wet.

Moaninginto her tit,Ican feel her whole body react to the vibration.Ilet go of her breasts and grin up at her.Ikeep working her clit with my fingers to keep her ready for me as my other hand scrambles to find the condomsItossed onto the blanket.

Leaningback, my hand still inside her, fucking her with my fingers and my thumb,Itoss the condoms up to her.

“Putit on me, baby.”

Selenarips a condom off and tosses the rest of them back onto the blanket.Shecarefully rips the edge of the package and takes out the slippery little coin.Shepinches the tip and then leans forward over my dick to put it on me.Herhair and tits hang down right in front of my face.Shit.Icould come just looking at her like this.

Mycock jerks at the feel of her as she slowly rolls the condom down my length.Whenshe stands up again,Ican tell by the look on her face that she’s about to sass me.So,Islide my index finger out of her, along the length from her entrance to her clit, and pinch her clit between my fingers.

“Hap-”Herwords catch in her mouth.Hereyes flare wide open as her hips buck towards the pressure from my fingers. “Happy?”

She’sriding my hand, andIcan feel every nerve in her body pulled taut.

“Youhave no idea.”Slowly,Igive her pussy a few final thrusts with my index finger and a few final swipes of her clit beforeIpull my hand away.Oneby one,Isuck my fingers and thumb into my mouth and lick them clean.

Shewatches me with her lips parted.Shebetter watch those sassy lips, orI’mgoing to have to keep her quiet with my dick in her mouth.