“Goodgirl.Verygood girl.”

Ican’t move.Ican barely speak.Mybody feels exhausted and energized, broken and perfect.Thatis what a massive orgasm from a beautiful man, fully intent on wrenching that orgasm from your body come hell or high water does to a woman.

“Thatwas… that was… amazing.”

“Baby,Itold youIwas just getting started…”




She’sso damn beautiful.Everyinch of her.Everysoft curve.Everytiger stripe.She’sperfect.Perfectlyimperfect.

Andhow she tastes between those thick thighs.


IfI’dknown she’d taste like a vanilla cupcake on a tropical beach,Inever could have waited this long.Shit,Iwouldn’t have left that damn elevator without tasting her.Now,Ihave a fuckload of time to make up for.Butfirst,Ineed to give my dick a taste.

Kickingoff my boots, one by one,Ileave them in a pile on the ground next to the hay bales.Idon’t look away from her eyes.She’swatching me.Watchingand waiting.

Myhands fall to the big silver buckle holding my old brown leather belt together.Itwas a gift from my mom and dad whenIturned eighteen.Ionly wear it whenI’mat home.Itseems too precious to waste onL.A.Iundo it and then unbutton and unzip my jeans in a rush.Grabbingthe condoms from my pocket,Ishove my jeans down to my ankles.Ireach down to pull my pants and socks off, and thenI’mstanding in front of her, completely naked.

Selena’seyes leave mine.Shestares me down as her eyes trace over every inch of me.

“Turnaround.Iwant to see your ass,” she says with a smile.

SinceI’mnot exactly shy,Ishrug and turn around for her.AndmaybeIclench my ass, so she can see exactly what she’s working with tonight.

WhenIturn back to face her,Iwrap one hand around the hilt of my dick and run the other hand slowly up and down my length.

Iwonder if she even knows that she’s dragging her tongue across her bottom lip just as slowly.

“Baby, you keep licking your lips like that, andI’mgoing to have to shove this dick in between them,”Iwarn, asIstroke up and down my shaft. “AndIhave something else planned…Standup.”

Shelooks around her, confused.Thenshe does asIsay, and puts one booted foot after another onto the lower bale of hay, then she presses behind her and stands up.

Ibound up the two bales untilI’mstanding beside her.Draggingher up against me,Ipress my hard dick into her soft stomach.I’mpretty sure a couple of swipes over her soft tummy andI’dbe shooting my load off all over again.Orbetter yet, between those big tits.Iknew they were going to be big before tonight.Butthose bras she wears don’t do them justice.Notone bit.Idon’t want her breasts contained.Theonly timeIwant her wearing a bra is like she is right now, pulled down with her tits bursting over the top.

Reachingbehind her,Iundo the clasp of her bra.Islowly drag the straps over her arms and toss the teal lace to join my boots and jeans in a heap next to the bales of hay.




“You’revery good at that.”

Irun my hand over my beard, thinking she meansI’mgood at going down on her. “YoubetIam, baby.”

Sherolls her eyes at me. “Notthat.Thebra.Youdidn’t have any trouble getting that off.”

Whatis she talking about?Withher tits fully free now and her naked pussy only inches away from my hands and dick,Ican barely concentrate. “Areyou jealous?”

Hereyes flare open. “No!Ofcourse, not!”