“No, you can’t.”Jacksonsays the words like there’s no room for discussion.

“Yes,Ican.I’mhaving a great time right now.OrIwas…”Imotion with my hand for him to continue.

“Whydid you tell me you knewIwas going to make you come before?”

Ishrug. “Ithought that was just part of this whole bossy thing.Likerole-playing or whatever.”

“Noone’s playing any roles tonight.”Hesounds angry. “I’mgoing to make you come,Selena.Gotit?”

“I’mreally, really going to try.Ireally, really want you to make me come.Isthat good enough?”

“No.ButIcan see thatIneed to show you that you can trust me to make you come.Hard.You’regoing to come for me like a good girl, aren’t you,Selena?”

“I’mreally, really going to try.Becausethat’s allIcan promise.”

Jacksonshakes his head, his expression determined. “It’lldo.Fornow.Spreadyour legs wider.”

Iwriggle my legs to get every last inch of spreadIcan.Thankgoodness for all the pilates!

“Areyou going to take your shirt off?”

Jacksonlooks up from staring hungrily at my vagina. “Doyou want me to?”

“Yes.One-hundred percent, yes.”

Hislips twitch.Thenhe grabs the hem of his shirt with his left hand and slowly drags it up over his abs.Heflexes his pecs as the t-shirt pulls over them, and then he tugs it over his head.


“Very.”Igrin back at him.

Jackson’seyes flash up to meet mine, and then immediately look back down between my legs.Helooks determined, like there’s a problem he’s trying to solve.Andthen he kneels on the first bale of hay and hovers his face in front of my hips as his hands slide up my inner thighs.Bothof his thumbs slip inside me and glide through my slick wetness untilIfeel them brush against my clit.Almostby accident.

Myeyes flare wide asJackson’sthumbs pull my lips apart and the cool night air hits my clit.

Jacksonlets out a low laugh.Andthen he presses his face between my thighs.Hisbeard scratches at my sensitive skin in a way that feels oh so freaking good.

Helaps at my exposed clit in broad swipes, like he’s getting the lay of the land.Thenhe circles it.Andthen he swipes back and forth in unexpected and random strokes.Finally, he switches to rhythmic swipes of back and forth.Backand forth.

Myhands go to the back of his head, pressing him into me.Myhips rise against his face, grinding into his tongue.

Hepulls back just long enough to whisper. “Likethat, do you?Goodgirl.That’smygood fucking girl.”

Hegrabs one of my legs and tosses it over his shoulder.Jacksonmassages the sensitive skin of my inner thighs with his fingers while his thumbs hold me open to his lips.Hepresses against me, splaying my hips even wider.Thepain of the deep stretch bookends the pleasure of his tongue on my clit perfectly.

“Tasteso good.Sofucking good.”

Jacksonswipes and swipes his tongue against my clit.Hisstrokes are steady, but they’re getting faster and faster.

ThenIdon’t know whatI’mfeeling, but suddenly there’s a different pressure on my clit.Itfeels like… is he?Suckingon it?Likehe sucked on the tips of my nipples?Whateverhe’s doing,Idon’t care.Becauseit feels amazing.Itfeels so fucking good.Iwonder ifIactually might do this?Ifany man can make me have an orgasm on command, it’s probablyJacksonWaters.

“Ineed you to come for me now.Bemy good girl and come for me.”

“I’mtrying.Ireally, really want to.”

Thenhe’s starts swiping the tip of his tongue against the tip of my clit, while he’s sucking it pressed between his lips.Hisstrokes get faster and faster until.Wait, amIgoing to come?Isthis actually happening?

Andthen the clenching and euphoria hit me like only an epically amazing orgasm can.Thekind of orgasm that until nowI’veonly had in the company of my vibrator or my hands.Jacksondrags his tongue over my clit again and again.Myhips buck against him.Hekeeps sucking on me until my body stills from jerking against his face.