Page 6 of Second Chances

She was partly on her side, but I didn’t want to move her in case she’d hit something on her way down. I went around to her other side, and that was when I froze for a second.

Iknewthat tattoo on her shoulder and clavicle.

That was when I took a second look at her face. I recognized her, even with the dark hair.

It was my Chloe. Chloe Becker.

I shook my head. She wasn’tmyChloe. JusttheChloe from my past.

She moaned, and her eyelids fluttered.

“Chloe, can you tell me what happened?”

She opened her eyes and frowned.

“Try not to move.”

She blinked a couple of times before she lifted a hand to my face. “Liam?”

I smiled. She remembered me, and we hadn’t seen each other for almost five years. That was a good sign.

“Yes, it’s Liam. What happened?”

“I’m tired.”

“I know, honey, but can you answer a few more questions for me first?”

“Yes,” she said, but then her hand fell, and her eyelids closed.

I heard Martin coming back with the stretcher, so I jumped up and spun in a circle to find a towel to put over Chloe’s body. I didn’t want him to see her nude.

“She came to for a few seconds but went unconscious again,” I told my partner as I started an IV.

“I’ll let Hanover General know we’re bringing her in.”

Martin handed me the C-collar, and I wrapped it around her neck.

He got off the radio. “You ready to move her?”

“Yes. Let’s get her to the hospital.”

“Ready on three. One, two, three.”

* * *

Chloe was still unconscious when we got to Hanover General, and I reluctantly walked out of her room once the doctor and ER staff took over.

I was worried about her.

Martin lightly smacked my arm. “Let’s get the paperwork done, so we can get out of here.”

“Okay.” I followed my partner over to the desk and opened my computer.

We called it paperwork, but it was all done electronically nowadays.

The process took me twice as long since I couldn’t stop looking at Chloe’s ER room. I was hoping the doctor would come out, so I could get an update before we left, but soon, I was finished and realized that wasn’t going to happen.

Martin and I headed for the ER doors and back to the rig when I almost ran into someone walking in.