Page 5 of Second Chances

Black spots filled my vision, and I reached for the wall. This wasn’t the first time I’d been light-headed from standing up too fast, and it wouldn’t be the last. It was, however, the first time the black spots increased instead of disappearing.

“Oh crap,” I muttered before I went down.



My partner, Martin, and I were on our way back to the station after a false alarm when we got a call over the radio.

We both paid attention to see what and where the problem was.

“We’re less than five minutes away,” I said.

Martin picked up the radio to let dispatch know we were on our way.

When we arrived, a panicked young woman was standing outside, wringing her hands.

We pulled our equipment from the back of the ambulance and hurried over to her.

“Did you call 911?” Martin asked.

“Yes. I’m Savannah. My roommate, Chloe, passed out or fainted or something. I’m not sure what happened.”

I flinched at the name. It brought back a lot of memories. Some good and some not so good.

I pushed them down because whoever this Chloe was, she needed me to focus on her and not someone from my past.

“Can you show us where Chloe is?” I asked.

“Oh, yes, right this way.”

As we followed Savannah inside, Martin asked, “Did you see your roommate pass out?”

“No, I heard a loud noise, so I knocked on the door. When she didn’t answer, I walked into her bedroom and saw her lying on her bathroom floor.” She pointed to an open door. “She’s in here. I didn’t touch her or anything in case something was broken.”

I put my hand on her arm. “Let us go in, okay? It’s easier if you stand out of the way.”

Some people didn’t understand this request, but thankfully, Savannah didn’t try to argue with me.

She nodded.

“You did good,” I told her. Stepping forward, I rapped my knuckles on the open door. I didn’t want to scare her in case she was awake. I didn’t want a strange man entering her room to scare her. “Chloe,” I said as I walked in. “My name is Liam, and I’m a paramedic.”

There wasn’t an answer, and when I rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of an unmoving woman with dark hair on the bathroom floor.

“We’re going to need the stretcher,” I said to Martin over my shoulder.

“On it.”

I approached the patient. “Chloe.”

She didn’t move.

When I got into the bathroom, I noticed what looked like a broken cup on the floor, but it was pushed into a pile, so I didn’t think it’d happened when the patient fell.

The next thing that caught my eyes was that she was completely naked, so I suspected she had been about to get in the shower. Her hair was dry as well as the shower walls.

I felt for a pulse, which was nice and strong, and her breaths were rhythmic and deep, like she was sleeping.